Chapter 11

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So sorry I haven't updated in forever, you know, with school getting in the way, anyways enjoy the chapter.

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Tick. Tick. Tick.

What the heck was that annoying sound? It kept ringing through my ears. I try to open my eyes, but I can't.

It feels like I'm engulfed in a black pit. Why can't I open my eyes?


"Hear that Anna? That's your time running out, unless you listen to me." A disembodied voice says.

"Who- who are you?" My voice comes out as a soft whisper.

"Oh, darling, I can't tell you that. How very foolish of me that would be."

"What do you want from me?" I raise my voice, but with no confidence whatsoever.

"Haven't I made that clear?! Your soul, you. I want you. I want you..." The voice starts to fade till I hear a faint beeping in the distance.

All I can barely make out is a blurry tall figure sitting in front of me. The eyes, that chiseled body...


"Anna?" His voice sounds muffled, but I'm glad I can hear his voice again.

"Jesse?" I croak. Extending my arm to him, I pull it back, wincing in pain.

"No, don't move your arm around, you'll make the wound worse." Jesse puts my bandaged arm back on the bed- a hospital bed? That explained the faint beeping sounds, it was from the heart monitor.

He gets up and sits on the edge of the bed, facing me. He leans in and lightly kisses my forehead, as if I'd break at a soft touch.

"I was so worried that I'd lose you. You lost a lot of blood." Jesse whispers, staring at the ground, pain visible in his big brown eyes.

"Lose me? What about you? You, you got stabbed by the..." I didn't want to mention the faceless man, not now.

"I know, but it wasn't a deep wound. I got some stitches and now I'm fine. You're the one who got stabbed in areas near your major arteries."

"I did?"


"Jesse, I think... I think the story came true. 'The Man in the Woods', I mean. How that man captured me and attempted to kill me, how the man looked. His every appearance, were just like the book."

"That can't be possible. It was just a book."

"No, really Jesse! Every single thing he did to me, happened like in the book."

"Maybe you're just thinking it was. Are you feeling ok?"

"Just listen to me. Please." He nods, staring intensely at me.

"My dad was right. I read that book, and it came true. Call me crazy, but I'm believing in what I say and I'm not changing my mind."

"Well, maybe it did happen-"

"It did happen." I correct him.

"Ok, it did happen." He states, rolling his eyes. "But, I'm worried. What if that thing comes back?" He says, anger filling his voice.

"But it disappeared Jess."

"I just don't know. If that thing were to come back and try to hurt you..." He trails off, his hands in fists.

"It won't." I give him a reassuring smile.

He looks up at me and smiles.

"Anyway, your dad is here to see you." He says, playing with my hair.

"He is?"

"Yeah, I'll go get him." Jesse gets up from the hospital bed and walks out of the room.

I wanted to see my dad, and didn't mind Jesse going to get him, but I was afraid to be alone.

Who knows if that thing would come back, and I knew I couldn't tell Jesse about the dream I had. If I did, he'd be even more worried.

That voice, how it wanted my soul, it was just creepy...

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Sorry if the chapter was bad. I wasn't sure how to write this chapter. Anyway, hope you comment, read, vote, that kind of stuff :)

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