Chapter 15

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I try wheeling myself to the stairs, but it was useless, how would I get downstairs?

"I'll help you with that." Demetrius says, popping out of nowhere.

"Ah! How did you get in my house?" I whisper loudly, breathing hard.

"Secret." His lips curl up into a small smile.

He grabs my hand, and suddenly we're in the forrest.

I land on my feet.

"Ah! Wait! How am I not in my wheelchair? How- how is my leg better?" I question, my leg trembling.

"Secret." He repeats like earlier.

"What is this secret? Why the heck did you take Jesse? Where is he?" I yell furiously, I was upset and confused, I was tired of all these games.

"Somewhere." He replies, officially pissing me off with his one-word responses.

"How can I get him back?" I wanted Jesse back so badly.

"Get your father to come to the forrest, we have some business to take care of." What business? How was my dad even involved?

But I had to do it. Jesse was so important to me, I wanted to save him.

"Fine, but get me back home, then I'll do it." Stubbornly, I cross my arms, and noticed my arm wound was gone.

How were my injuries gone? Demetrius probably did this. Who knows what else he is capable of...

"As you wish." He says, grabbing my hand and I'm instantly back in my house, in my room.

My wounds and wheelchair were gone. Dad would definitely question me about this.

I walk out of my room pacing downstairs to find my dad sitting at the kitchen table, reading a newspaper.

He looks up at me, then back to the newspaper. He looks back up again to see me without the wheelchair, his face full of shock.

"Anna, why are you out of your wheelchair? The doctor said you were supposed to stay in it for 3 more weeks, remember?" His voice full of worry.

"I'm all better Dad," I say with a weak smile, "But can you come with me to the forrest? It's an emergency."

"What is it? Is someone hurt?" He looks up from his newspaper standing up.

"Um, yes! Please dad, hurry!" I dart out of the house to make my lie more believable.

I can hear his footsteps pounding behind me. I run faster, almost to the woods.

"Come on dad!" I make my voice crack, I hated using my dad to get Jesse back, but I needed to know that he was safe.

I reach the edge of the forrest, locating where Demetrius had been earlier.

"Over here dad!" I use a scared tone to hurry him up.

"I'm coming!" He yells.

"Anna, thank you for bringing your father." Demetrius says in satisfaction as my father catches up to me.

"Demetrius." My father says in a breath.

"Ah, James, how nice to see you again."

I thought my dad's name was William, that was odd...

"Why are you here? I told you never to come near my daughter again!" My father barks, completely enraged.

"Oh, I didn't. She brought you here to me."

"Anna? Is that true?" My dad looks at me, truly disappointed.

I nod, disappointed in myself as well.

"Besides, she's not your daughter. She's mine, remember?" Demetrius grins at me.

Wait, did he just say he was my father? What the heck?!

"My-my father?" I stutter looking at Demetrius in disbelief.

"Yes, Anna. And your fake father was just trying to protect you from me. Why do you think your brother died? He sacrificed himself for you. Not like it matters though, he's not your real family anyways."

I start feeling dizzy as I process all this new information. But what if he was lying?

"Dad, is this true?" I look at who may or may not be my real father.

He doesn't answer, but his eyes look full of guilt and shame.

"Now, my princess, let me take you home." Demetrius outstretches his hand to grab mine.

"Where's Jesse?" I had completely forgotten about him, I was so selfish.

"Ah, that boy. Here." He replies snapping his fingers and Jesse appears out of nowhere.

"Jesse!" I cry out running towards him.

"Anna." His voice comes out slurred, nearly falling over. I catch him before he falls.

"What did you do to him?" I was furious.

"Just made him a little dizzy, he'll be fine in half an hour. Now, ready to go?"

"I can't go."

"Why not, my darling, is there something wrong?" He says in a sickly sweet voice.

"Yes, you hurt the boy I love and go saying ridiculous things like that my dad isn't my real dad! That's crazy and I'm leaving!"

I storm off into the woods with Jesse, him barely staying on his feet. I didn't have a clue as to where I was going but I was getting away from here, anywhere but here.

30 minutes later

"Anna, where are we?" Jesse looks up at the morning sky, dazed and most likely very confused.

"Do you remember anything Jess?"

"Just some creeper Goth dude kidnapping me and knocking me out, but that's all I remember."

I pull him into a tight hug and give him a quick kiss, so relieved that he was ok.

"Wait a minute... Why aren't you in your wheelchair? And what happened to the wound on your arm?"

"Um, the Goth guy you referenced to is Demetrius. He forced me to come to the forrest or else I wouldn't be able to see you again. And he said he was my actual father, and I don't know, I'm scared and mad at the same time. I have no idea where my dad or Demetrius are, so I brought you here. And my wounds are gone because I guess he has some weird power things to heal me."

"Was this Demetrius a friend of the no face guy?" Jesse looks angry, his eyes turn darker.

"I don't know, and I just knew we had to get out of there."

"So you bring me back to the location where you were nearly killed? Nice." He rolls his eyes, his tone obviously sarcastic.

"I didn't know where else to bring you." My eyes spring with tears, my voice wobbly.

I hated feeling this way. Weak and useless, that's how I always felt my whole life. I had to be strong.

"Babe, it's going to be alright, trust me." He pulls me close to his chest and I put my head in the crook of his neck.

"So what are we going to do now?" I ask.

"Well, we're not going back to school any time soon, that's for sure." I feel his laughter vibrate through his chest. "But we have to leave. Far from here, like out of state."

"I know, but with what money?"

"You know, I worked at the Vans store for a while, made some good money off of that, I'll use it to keep us alright."

"I'll pitch in, I had savings for college, but I'm pretty sure our lives are more important than college right now." I laugh at my own comment.

"Ok, we'll sneak by our houses and get a few belongings then we'll leave. My parents bought me a car about a week ago, so we can take that to leave." He strokes my back as he speaks, comforting me.

"Ready to do this?" He looks at me for approval, and I nod my head and we make our way to my house.

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