Chapter 13

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"Anna. Anna wake up." Jesse whispered to me softly.

I open my eyes and adjust my eyes to the bright hospital room.

"I'm awake, now what do you want?" I whine.

"Well, good afternoon to you too." He chuckles tucking my hair behind my ear.


"Yeah, you slept from 5 in the afternoon yesterday after your dad left and until now, which is about 2:30p.m."

"Wow, I've never slept that much before." I say in surprise.

"Pain killers have that affect on people." He smiles, his little dimples showing.

"Jesse, did you, did you see that thing yesterday? In the corner of the room?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"Sorry babe, but I didn't. But if it's that thing  tried to kill you, then I'm going to find it and beat the heck out of it." Jesse's eyes darken in anger.

"I, I don't think it was it. What if it has helpers? Like people to help him kill me?" I tighten my grip on Jesse's hand.

"Then I'm gonna kill them too. I'm going to protect you Anna, I'm never going to let that happen to you again. I promise." He says seriously, leaning in for a kiss but a nurse awkwardly coughs behind us.

"Um, Miss Parker, I wanted to let you know we will be releasing you from the hospital tomorrow. But first, I need to check on your wounds.

Sir, could you please step out of the room?" She asks Jesse.

"No." Jesse stares at her stubbornly. 

"Jesse..." I look at him and look at the door as if to tell him it was ok to leave me alone for a minute.

"Fine." He mumbles, stomping out of the room.

"Sorry about that, overprotective boyfriend." I roll my eyes.

"It's quite alright ma'am, we've dealt with worse." She reassures me, and I let out a small laugh.

"Ok, now we'll be checking your wounds alright? To see how they're doing, and how you're doing as well." She takes out a clipboard, I'm guessing to see what my injuries were.


"Alright Anna, it seems that your wounds are healing nicely, but still tender. So when you're released I advise you not to do any type of physical activities for at least 3 weeks, ok?"

I nod in response. I couldn't exercise for 3 weeks, well that sucked.

"If you want, I'll allow you to have one visitor in the room."

"Yes, thank you." I smile gratefully at her.

"Alright, I'll go get your visitor." She walks out of the room.

It was odd, I had just seen Jesse an hour ago and I missed him already. I bet he felt the same way, being the overprotective self he is.

"Anna?" Jesse calls, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Jess." I mock his worried tone. "Stop worrying so much babe. I'm ok, you know."

"Yeah, but, still..." He stares at the ground.

"But guess what?"

"What?" He says looking up at me. 

"I'm getting released tomorrow! And my wounds are healing nicely, I just can't do physical activities for 3 weeks."

"Really?" His face lights up.

"Mmhmm." I grin, practically from ear to ear.

"So you're ok. That's great. Just to know that you're ok." Jesse lightly pulls me into a hug.

And I think to myself that everything will be ok.

For now.

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