Chapter 19 Final Chapter

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Jesse and I went through the portal and headed back to the castle, he was hesitant, but I convinced him to go with it.

I knock on the enormous castle doors and take a step back, waiting to see who would open the door.

Jesse wraps his arms around his waist, I could feel his hands tense up.

I look up at him assuringly, although I felt guilty, he didn't know what I was planning on doing. Wait, what was I saying?

I planned to just stay with Demetrius, he was my actual father after all. I knew if I had told Jesse before that he would have never let me come back to Onsia.

He could go back home and just forget about me, meet a normal girl who didn't have a demonic father.

That would make him happy. I'm not the one saying this, what's happening to me?!

"Ah, Anna. My darling, you've come back! I'm glad you came." Demetrius grins widely opening the door all the way.

Inside the castle there were two large guards wearing all black with black masks covering their faces.

"Come in, come in!" I grab ahold of Jesse's hand, and we head in following Demetrius to a large foyer-looking area. "Sit down Anna." He said, patting the seat.

How was he not mad at me? I had ran away from the castle! I had thought that he would be mad.

"Sure." I replied deadpan.

"So, what brings you back here? After all, you have left me several times before." He lets out a low chuckle, but how did he find this situation funny?

"I-I came back to stay." I finally managed to stutter.

"Oh really? That's fantastic!" He exclaims.

"What?!" Jesse yells, turning his attention to me. "You're staying? Why the heck would you do that? You can't Anna, we're going to go back to Washington where we'll be safe and ok!"

"Silence, idiot." Demetrius murmurs, giving Jesse the death stare.

"Never, we're leaving." Jesse attempts to get me up, but I stay where I am. "Come on, Anna lets go." He continues to tug on my hand.

"I'm staying Jess, I have to. No matter what, Demetrius will always find me." This wasn't me saying this, it felt as if another presence was forcing me to say this.

"She's right." Demetrius smiles, coming over and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Anna! You can't do this." Jesse cries out, his eyes watering.

"I have to." My voice comes out as a demonic growl. I jump back in surprise at my own voice.

"What's happening? What did you do to her?" Jesse screeches, his face now red.

The guards get Jesse and slowly drag him away.

"Jesse! No!" My normal voice cries out to him, the demonic presence gone for a moment.

"Anna, I love you! I'll find you, I promise!" His voice fades, probably gone forever.

"Anna, isn't the demonic side of you lovely? I find it quite beautiful." Demetrius swipes a piece of hair out of my eyes.

"Demonic side?" I ask warily.

"Yes, that's why you wanted to stay with me, sweetie. You chose your fate, to stay with the one you truly love, me, your father."

"I know, and that's why I stayed." That same weird voice comes out of me.

"Look at your eyes, Anna, they are turning their real colors." Demetrius says, showing me my eyes through a small mirror.

I gasp at the sight of my face, it wasn't really even me anymore. I had purplish eyes and my facial features looked more beautiful, but now you could tell Demetrius and I were related.

"See? My eyes are like that as well." He looks at me to show his eyes, changing to the same purple color as mine.

"So, this is it? I just look different?" I question, feeling the weird presence starting to take over me again.

"No, you have special powers, but I shall teach you about those later. Now, lets go, you need to learn more of my plans." Demetrius walks towards the door, turning back to me. "Are you coming, Anna?"

"Yes, father." My demonic side answers, I feel as if I have no control over it.

The only place I stay safe and away from this evil side is in my mind. After all these events that have happened, from me being kidnapped by the faceless man to discovering Demetrius was my father, I now know that they happened because I read "The Man in the Woods".

I guess reading books and disobeying James wasn't the best idea because I realized that they're not only stories.

They're reality.

The End.


Oh gosh, it's the end of They're Only Stories already guys! Although, I will be posting an epilogue and I'm not sure yet but maybe a sequel.

Thank you so much for all the comments, votes, and simply just reads on this story, you guys have been amazing readers.

I will try posting the epilogue within the next 2 days, again, thanks so much for reading.

-Vanessa xx :)

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