Chapter 14

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"Alright Miss Parker, you're all set." the nurse smiled at my father and I.

"Ok, thank you." My dad says politely and wheels me out of the room.

I had been put in a wheelchair because even if I was on crutches, that would mean me moving.

And me moving meant the wound on my leg could open up again. Plus, I had the knife wound on my arm still.

"So Anna, your little boyfriend had gone home. He said he'd visit you later." My dad says cheerfully, but somehow you could see disapproval in his eyes.

"Ok." I say wearily.

"As for you, you're going home and getting rest." My dad states as he lifts me into his car. "But I'd like to know, how did this happen in the first place?"

I take a deep breath. He wanted to know how this happened.

Yes, he'd totally be fine with me saying 'Oh yeah, I read the book, it came true and the guy tried to kill me.'

Note my sarcasm.

*Who are you? You're lookin' like a stranger, you were once, my love and my savior-*

That was my phone getting a call to the ringtone of "Lovesick Fool" by The Cab, they are an amazing band.

Great timing too, considering the tension that had built up in the car.

I check the caller I.D to see that it's Jesse, I smile and click 'answer'.

"Hello?" I ask, I can literally feel the grin on my face. He saved me the trouble of explaining to my dad.

"You want that dumb little boyfriend of yours back, Anna? Then you better listen up." A gruffly voice snarled on the other line of the phone.

"Who are you?" I ask, startled by the aggressive voice on the other line.

"Oh, you know who I am. Meet me in your dream tonight. Or else." The voice states menacingly and then the line goes dead.

"Was it Jesse?" My dad asks as he pulls up into the driveway.

"Erm, yeah." I lie, hoping he doesn't notice.

"Oh." Is all he replies with as we get out of the car and he wheels me into the house, helping me up to my room.

I was so exhausted. My eyes start to droop as I fall asleep.


"Ah, Anna. You've made it." A man, tall, sturdy and handsome, yet looked menacing said.

"Who are you?" I ask sternly, although my voice is shaky.

"A friend of your father. Has he not yet told you?" He replies.

"My- my dad?" I ask confused, how did my dad have to do with any of this.

"Yes, darling. Did you not see me in the hospital room?" The man says with irritation in his voice.

"That was you?" I feel shocked. "What is your name?"

"Demetrius, and yes, that was me. Enough said. If you don't come by the woods near your home tomorrow at dusk, you and your precious little boyfriend will be dead."

"Wait!" I yell as his figure fades away into nothing and I wake up from my dream.

I was sweating and breathing hard when I woke up.

I look out the window to see the sun slightly rising.

That meant dusk was coming.

I had to leave for the woods somehow, but with a wheelchair? Impossible.


Guys go listen to Lovesick Fool by The Cab it's a great song! Which is why I put it as Anna's ringtone, it's on the sidebar.

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