Chapter 16

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Bella's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about the amazing homemade sushi that was made with the freshest fish I've ever had and it was made with so much care and love. I know sushi isn't exactly hard to make, but it is an art. I had watched my (best friend) Armari's mother make it on occasion for us back in Phoenix, so I know it isn't exactly easy to make. Esme had made her sushi and plated it all was something comparable to seeing it in a magazine or on a restaurant menu. It was so neat and clean and well portioned to just pop in your mouth. This is the reason it was made with care and love. I guess I made a really good first impression with her.

Thinking about Esme and Sushi made my afternoon classes go by faster and now I'm in my last class and getting changed for gym.  I was so absent-minded that I forgot myself and just stripped off my clothes and got dressed in the slightly wrinkled gym clothes that I haphazardly threw in my bag this morning.  When I'm dressed I close my locker with my sneakers in hand and I turn around seeing everyone looking at me and they all avoid their gazes quickly. I find it funny that they looked away blushing or scared and fully turned around giving me their back to hide their embarrassment from obviously watching me.  I remember what I had put on this morning; a black Victoria secret matching bra and thong set. I smirk that I gave them all an eyeful and I never really looked around this locker room to see what girls wore yet, but in Phoenix it was a good mixture of everything a female would wear. With no one looking at me now, I sit down and put my sneakers on. 

"Did you forget an elastic again?" Alice asks whispering close to me making me chuckle because yes, I did forget just like I forgot to pack a lunch. 

"It seems I'm on a roll today with forgetting things and my brain is still on the lunch that your mom made me.  Thank you, Alice." I say taking the offered rainbow elastic from her and there is a huge smile on her face.   I chuckle again and start putting my hair up in a messy bun.

"I think I'm going to have to put a bunch in my bag from now on." I say and I stand up and Alice stands up with me.

"That's if you remember to do that when you get home." Alice teasingly remarks with a cheeky grin and and I shake my head and open the door for her and she smiles up at me and goes through. 

"If I forget, I guess I can always count on you." I say winking when she turns giving me a beaming smile.

I still don't understand why she would have elastics since Rosalie never wears her hair up, not that I've seen, but there is Jasper's hair that could be put up in a short ponytail so she could be holding them for him.

"You sure can." Alice says a reassuring tone and I smile and we go to the bleachers to sit and wait until class starts.

"I think you shocked a lot of people again in the locker room." She says giggling and I chuckle and shake my head because it didn't take her long to comment on that. 

"You're referring to changing aren't you?" I ask knowingly and look at her.

"You weren't facing them, but I caught them all looking and I mean all of them." She whispers with to me because people are close by now.

"I'm modest to a certain point and it wasn't like I was naked, but I can see why they were looking since I'm the new kid, who obviously works out, and oh yeah, lets not forget she has a huge tattoo." I whisper in the third person. Alice giggles nodding her head looking in awe of me and I smirk at her and look around the gym. 

"I can tell you that all of them are envious and they are full of questions." She says and I turn looking at her in question.

"Are you one of them?" I ask smirking and winking at her when she smiles and shakes her head but I see her eyes drop to my stomach and she looks away and I laugh knowing that she's lying.

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