Chapter 19

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Bella POV continued

After class was over I quickly tore off the page full of doodles and crunching it up into a ball before putting it my bag along with my notebook and pen. I'm one of the first to leave the class.

I almost bump into the person I spent all class thinking of: Beautiful Rosalie Hale. We make eye contact and I see her neutral smile turn tender and her bored look turns hopeful, this of course makes me throw caution to the wind and do what I so want to do now instead of waiting.... So, I smile a tender smile back at her then clear my throat with the thought if I don't do this now, I'll just chicken out later and possible never explain myself or my feelings.

"Will you follow me outside please?" I whisper and I watch her face soften even further and she gets a curious look before nodding.

Seeing the nod I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding and to hide my excitement I turn around fast nearly bumping into another student coming out of the class room I just came out of. I pause letting them go by and I feel Rosalie against my back lightly chuckling.

The guy looks behind me as he passes and when he sees who it is, he moves more quickly. I don't look back at Rose even though I want to see her face while she laughs but I need to gather myself since I'm going to lay pretty much my soul out for her with my feeling and after I explain this last year I hope she returns my feeling despite everything, otherwise this will be putting the final nail the coffin on me leaving this school for good. If she doesn't return my feeling I'm not going to mention not that I'm leaving the school.

While we walk through the hall I ignore everyone and no one bothers us.  I don't even see her siblings around which is odd since they're always around when I walk to class. However, the way I'm walking with purpose and looking forward I may have missed them since I did leave class fairly quickly, though now I have my focus trained on the sound of Rosalie's heels behind me and I think I slowed or she sped up since her heels sound closer.   I don't dwell on it since we're close to the outside door, in fact I feel her brush against my arm as we near the door.

She reaches the door first and opens it making me pause and with her waiting for me to go first I walk through without looking at her because now that we're out of the building I don't know where to do this.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts on where to go when I feel her hand against mine and then she's holding it.  I look down right at our hands when she laces our fingers together. "Let's go sit in my car." She softly says.

I look up from our hands feeling relieved and I nod smiling letting her know I like that.  She smiles back and she starts walking with her head turned into the direction we need to go.

Looking around, I'm glad there isn't anyone outside.  In fact this part of the school is u familiar to me since I wanted us out fast and I took us to the closest exit, so we have to walk around the building to get to the parking lot.

When we're at her car I hear her unlock it and I'm grateful that we're going to be sitting in her car in case it rains and it will also give us privacy from be caught ditching class.

I'm surprised and a little disappointed when she has to let go of my hand to open the passenger door for me and I avoid her gaze for now to hide how much I also like the gesture of her opening my door for me. First it was the handkerchief and now this to school how much of a gentlewoman she is.

I get into the car putting my bag on the floor and I hear the door being gently closed shut. I close my eyes taking a deep breath and pull up all the courage I have to tell Rose how I'm feeling. 

When her door opens I exhale and open my eyes and turn to look at her, it's now that I realize she didn't have any books with her or even a backpack; come to thinking of it now I don't think I've ever seen her with a backpack since I've met her, but I am not here to talk about her lack of school materials or whether or not she has a backpack, so I shake my head and start gathering my focus to start talking.

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