Chapter 20

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Rose POV

I didn't expect this day to turn out the way it did. I knew it would have lead to me confessing how I felt, but to have Bella do it first was utterly shocking, especially  after these past few days.

I very much admired her strength and confidence, she was so calm for the most part, except for a few tears that fell from emotions she showed when telling me about her first love. 

I walk behind her a few paces because I knew with her confessing her feeling for me at the end it had to be a lot for her to admit especially with everything else she told me. 

Right now, I don't know if it's the right thing, but since she left without looking back to see if I was following I want to give her a little space since were back inside the school.

I didn't feel jealousy when I learned she had a girlfriend prior from coming here. I knew she had to have someone in Arizona with how amazing and gorgeous she is, I knew someone had to catch her heart and felt on what little she told me I know it was well taken care of.

The most troubling however was how Lizzy disappeared, it didn't slip my notice of the lack of evidence there was and I found it to be suspicious and it made me think she was either taken by traffickers who were professionals to knew leave a scene untouched, or it was vampires to snatched her so fast and was able to leave no trace.

With my mind playing everything she said over and over, I try to see what I can rule out, and one thing keeps popping up in my head is Bella and her scent.  I'm starting to think it wasn't vampires, because thinking about Bella's scent that I still smell, and how everyone in my family thinks she smells good, not to mention being Edward's singer.  I know her scent had to be clinging all over the girl when she went home since they had made love and Bella didn't mention them taking a shower after.  Also, they were dating so her scent would be all over her and her car.

Recalling that Bella didn't go to school for a whole year told also told me that it couldn't have been vampires because no vampire would ignore the allure of Bella's scent that was on the girl when they would ultimately found out the other scent on her didn't belong to her.  If they were vampires they would have sought Bella out, so there is no doubt in her mind now and it had to be traffickers or a lone kidnapper that took the girl and left the scene untouched.  It also tells me that they are either extremely lucky or they are professionals and they likely have been watching her for a long time, but having Bella safe in Forks makes me feel better after thinking this all through.

I'm still shocked though to see Bella go back into the school. Yet, I now know she's much stronger and confident with the way she told me what had ultimately brought her here and how she feels about me. I now know she must be feeling the bond much greater than I personally thought, and deep down after the cold shoulder she gave off this week I know she was processing her feelings. I also know she scared that I might be a rebound since she brought it up, but I know I am not a rebound to her since she is my mate. I'm just saddened that she had to go through a emotional rollercoaster thinking and bring up old tough feelings to confess everything to me. Which is why, right now I'm know giving her a little space to get to class to reflect was the right thing to do, but after the bell rings I'll be there to walk her to her next class.

Bella's POV

Going into the school and into my third period it was like I was on auto pilot and my body or my feet knew where to take me, because once I sitting down I didn't remember walking to class.  However, when class started I regained my focus and I wasn't so inside my head and I actually paid attention to class even though it was boring and the subject manner already knew.

When the bell rang I was ready to leave and I started wondering if the principle read my letter yet.

I see Rose leaning against the lockers waiting for me when I leave the class and I smile and she surprises me by taking my hand giving it a squeeze then she lets it go, but I keep my grip not letting her hand go.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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