Chapter 12

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Walking with Bella I feel a sense of pride at how well she is taking all the attention we're getting with everyone continuing to stare at us and I know its going to be even worse once we inside the cafeteria. I just hope that I can contain myself and not resort to my old behavior and scare Bella away, especially with the progress we've made.

Oh well, here goes nothing. I think to myself as I reach to open the door.

Turning to look at Bella and let her go ahead of me I see her looking at the door with a look of determination before her eyes land on me and she smiles.  Her smile makes my insides melt, but I'm also curious because when she turns and starts for the door I caught a flash of mischief written on her face.

She stops and waits for me and I'm grateful she didn't turn around, because I don't trust my facial expression nor my eyes which I have no doubt has darken from appreciating her backside too much.     I keep my eyes down and reach for the door handle but I pause.

Letting go of the door, I take a deep breath to center myself. I need to calm down my raging hormones by thinking of anything other than my mate.

"Before we sit down I just want to apologize for anything that my family might say." I end up telling her once I'm calmed enough. I even made sure to keep a good distance away from her personal space.  Being mates and being near each other has us gravitating towards each other. I definitely can feel the pull to be closer. Make me curious if she feels anything, I wonder to myself.  I nearly stumble back into the glass door as Bella steps into my personal space and her free hand grabs a hold of mine.

"That's interesting, but do you want to know what I find even more interesting?" She asks and pulls me along and we end up at end of the lunch line still holding hands.

"Hm?" Is all I mutter as I hear my family from across the cafeteria. And I wonder how she opened the door without me even noticing.

"The smell from what ever they made and what ever meat they cooked doesn't resemble anything I've ever smelt before. I know they have buffalos in this state, but damn, I wonder if they're feeding these kids horse meat or even something even more domesticated?" Bella rants with a low voice so that the people in front of us can't hear but I couldn't care less about them. I fact I couldn't take my eyes off of Bella as the emotions played out on her face as she voiced her inner thoughts of the schools cafeteria choice of food.

"Why are you smiling like that? Do you think I'm crazy of something? Don't tell me you like the garbage they serve here." Bella says with a little stomp of her foot and lets go of my hand.

"Oh my god she's so cute. Answer quick Rose and be honest." Alice vampire talks to me from our table.

"I don't think your crazy. Far from it actually. I was just thinking how adorable you are when your fired up about something. And, no I don't actually eat the meat they serve here. I usually just go for fries or some fruit. My mother makes sure we eat a big breakfast and we snack when we get home until it's dinner time." I say, sticking close to the truth as possible.

"Big breakfast huh?" Bella says and she give me a once over before looking away and I hear her heart rate get faster and I wish for Edward's gift right now. Then I remember he can't read her thoughts. I smirk and clench my fist, because I miss holding her warm hand.

"Do you want to take a sample of the meat? I'm sure my father can tell us what it is. You honestly have me curious about that domesticated part." I whisper close to her ear and I'm reward with her giggling in response.

After that we follow the line and Bella grabs two drinks from the cooler and orders the lunch special and puts them on my tray. She softly chuckles the entire time and I can't stop myself from grinning.

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