Chapter 14

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Start writing your story

Bella's POV

"That's fine. You know I met your mom yesterday while my dad and I were shopping." I tell her and shut the door and I see her looking around and I groan because the house although it's clean its nothing to really look at.

"I know she told me." She turns around and gives me an amusing look and I nod smiling wondering if Esme told her how I flirted with her and I find it curious that they were talking about me and I smirk.

"So, you guys talked about me I see?" I say amused and start for the kitchen where I'll do my homework and it's a safe place to sit and behave myself and keep my hands to myself since I feel the need to close the distance between us. She laughs and follows me and I go to my usual seat and she goes to the chair across from me.

"Alice mentioned you first and she also mentioned that you and I became friends. That's the gists of it." She explains sitting down and I nod opening my bag and pulling out my homework.

"She said you were charming."

I look up and see her grinning and I chuckle and I sit back in my chair and listen to her as she laughs softly.

"Aren't you going to start your homework or are you just going to sit there and look at me?" She says amused when she stopped laughing.

"Sorry, you have a pretty laugh and it distracted me." I admit and then look down and pull out my math homework and go into my bag and get my pencil.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself?" I tell her and I start working on the first problem on the worksheet.

"You already know I'm adopted and I love learning and working on cars, but what you don't know is that I like to remodel them and when I finish with them, I either collect them or sell them and start all over again. I love driving... I just get in my car and drive for hours with no destination in mind. I also like reading and spending time with my family and I sometimes garden and interior design with Esme, talk about medicine with Carlisle, play video games with Emmett, shopping with Alice, play chess with Jasper, and play instruments with Edward. Those are their main hobbies and I like spending time with each of them if I'm not doing my own thing." She tells me and I only got one of the homework problems done.

"Sound like nice to have such as big family. I'm an only child, but also love reading, dancing, doing yoga, martial arts, and traveling... I suppose I like it so much since my mother liked traveling and always brought me to different places."

"I like traveling also." She says smiling a beautiful full smile that brightens up her face and makes her look even more beautiful.

"So, yoga and martial arts huh?" I chuckle nodding and she looks down at my paper and I look down and start working out the next problem. "Yeah, when I was little I had terrible coordination and was clumsy and my mother got me into dance and martial arts and yoga came later." I say and I continue working on the paper.

"Looks like it worked since you're confident when you walk and you're a bit graceful." I chuckle highly amused and lookup. "It took years trust me; I was a stubborn kid." I say smiling and she smiles.

"Do you only have math homework?" She asks and I shake my head. "No, I have a little reading for History and English."

"How did you get so lucky to not have homework?" I ask and I start on the last question.

"Oh, there was homework given, but I did it during class." I look up surprised and she grins at me and I nod and finish the problem and put it in my math notebook and put it away and I zip up my bag. "I'm going to do the reading later." She nods and I sit back and look at her.

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