Chapter 7

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Rosalie's POV

I get inside the jeep and I try and hold back my smile, but for the life of me, I can't because of a certain brunette that I can't get out of my head. I even feel jittery with excitement and there's also the pull of the bond that I've felt grow with intensity since leaving Bella after the woods and it's making me want to run to her now and be with her. I close my eyes and take deep breath and release it slowly, when I look up I see Jasper in the front seat turned around and looking at me with a smile that matches my own and he also looks jittery and I know he's feeling my emotions.

"I know how you feel Rosalie and I'm proud of you." Jasper eyes never leave mine and I nod having no idea how to respond.

I look towards Alice and I hold back from laughing, because she looks like her body is vibrating up and down much like a cell phone would vibrating on a table. She's looks so comical and I have to look away before I start giggling.

We haven't started moving yet, so I turn around in my seat, and look back where I left Bella and see her closing her truck door. I stare at her through the back window of her truck and I wish she would turn around and look at me. I then realize I whispered it instead of saying it in my head and I know my sibling heard me, because they're all snickering with chuckles.

"Will you guys stop." I finally say when Bella doesn't turn around and they continue laughing. I give up looking at her and turn around. They all quiet down when I settle back in my seat and they're all looking at me with smiles on their faces. I look at Alice and she has a knowing smile on her face that is different from the guys. It then registers that she knew all about Bella. As if confirming my silent question, she nods and I look to the others and see they have knowing smiles on their faces now. It makes me think back to this morning and it explains their odd behavior.

"You all knew, didn't you?" I say, feeling a mix of emotions and anger is the strongest of them all.

"Yes, I knew for quite sometime now. The others have only known for a couple of weeks though." She says as gentle as she can to not get me riled up even further.  I manage a small nod and think of what to say, but then I hear Bella's voice and my attention is diverted to her and all the anger leaves my body.

"I really have to get my gaydar checked. I swore I get the gay vibe off him." She says and then her truck roars to life.

"What is she talking about?" Emmett is the first to say and I shake my head annoyed. 

"What do you think Alice? Do you think she's right?"  Jasper asks her and I turn to look at her to see what she has to say.  She purses her lips together and shrugs. "I don't know.  I haven't seen anything to that nature about him." I roll my eyes and look back at Bella to see her backing her truck up.

"Is anyone going to answer me?"  Emmett whines and I smirk and watch Bella drive away and she's does not look this way and I feel extremely sad and my chest hurts as she pulls further away from me.

"Bella can recognize someone who's gay. That's what she meant by saying, 'my gaydar.'"  Alice says making air equations with her fingers.

"So, she has a power like radar?" Emmett says sounding astonished at the thought of Bella having a power as a human. I scoff and roll my eyes and bang my head against the side of the window and I remember this morning and my threat to do something to his jeep. I smile wickedly at the prospect of what I could do.

"Emmett don't you ever read?" Jasper says slightly frustrated.

"Whatever."  He huffs and he finally start driving away from the school.

Forgetting and Fixing the PiecesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant