Chapter 13

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Bella's POV

'I'm feeling really hot all of a sudden.'

WTF, what was I thinking? I can't believe I said that to her. I am so damn lame. I sigh, feeling frustrated with myself and I need to pull myself together. I really need to play it cool because I can do better than being so lame around the gorgeous girl.  I know I should have just stay silent and just took my shirt off to see what she would do, I didn't need to add that lame speech before hand.  But, no I had to be stupid, however, I know I stunned her by how her mouth dropped open in shock and she checked out my chest, so maybe she didn't notice me being lame. I smile at that and I guess I'll see later if she bring it up.

I finally get to my class and I hear people talking inside and its very little loud and sounds like everyone inside is talking, I even heard my name among the chatter.  I roll my eyes and put a smile on my face and enter the classroom.

As soon as I enter all sound ceases once they see me and most of them were looking at the door probably waiting for the teacher. There's no noise at all except for the ticking of the clock on the wall next to me and I can hear my racing heartbeat that's thumping in my ear. It hasn't slowed since leaving Rosalie at my locker. The teacher desk is in fact empty and he is no where in the class room, it makes me wonder if they all thought I was the teacher and thats why they all got eerie quiet. I smile giving the whole class a once over since their eyes are all on me and I feel them follow me as I walk to my desk. I know they are checking me out because I feel their eye on my back as I pass them and I can't believe I took my flannel off in the first place. It's like I can't control my actions around Rosalie. I mean, I just wanted to get a rise out of her, tease her a little and I guess see what she would do or say.  I know I already had her attention since she followed me out of the cafeteria and wanted to walk me to my locker. I didn't know if she was being friendly with the request or if she was being flirty and wanted to spend more time with me.  She hasn't really initiated any touching, not like I have. I think that is why I did what I did. You know show a little skin to get her attention.  Let's not forget I called her hot like a million times as well, so I don't know why I had to be stupid and I know I was playing a dangerous game by crossing the friends' line and flirting with her, but I think I put a good enough acting job pretending I was actually hot. I'm contemplating if I should put my shirt back on and let the gossip fly because I know everyone's eyes are on me and I know the gossip will get back to Rosalie eventually if I put it back on. What would she think if she heard that I just walked into class with my shirt off only to have put it back on once I got  into class. I know what she would think without even having to think about it, she would know I was flirting with her, so I'm going to keep my flannel off and only put it back on when I get cold and it will keep her guessing if she didn't know I was flirting with her because what if I'm reading her all wrong and she isn't interested in me that way.  Sure I get that she likes me, but does she like me like me Would it put my flirting back to Flirting or not flirting. It's better to keep her guessing I finally decide until I'm ready to start dating again. I only took it off to get Rosalie's attention. I think about how sitting with all of the beautiful, aloof Cullen's and Hale's siblings (minus Edward) would add to the attention I've been getting since I moved here.


I sit down and I see Jessica and Mike looking right at me as I look around briefly while getting my notebook and pencil out of my bag. I know they are dying to ask me questions just from the look on each of their faces. Both were friendly enough yesterday even though I only gave them one or two-word answers to their onslaught of questions. 

I set my bag down when I find what I'm looking for and I get myself comfortable, well as comfortable as you can get at a school desk. Once settled I still feel them looking my way and I let out a sigh before looking at them.

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