Chapter 10

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Bella's POV

The next morning I wake up before my alarm and see it's really early, I mean, it's not even five o'clock yet and there is no way I can go back to sleep with how awake I feel.  I also feel slightly odd and stiff, not to mention I'm not even covered in my blankets.

I stretch and instantly realize I'm still wearing yesterday's clothes.  I'm not really surprised by this, because of the way I have been sleeping for the past year.  However, last night I didn't have a single nightmare. And I feel well rested in spite the stiffness.

I eye my closet where my yoga mat is and contemplate if I should do some yoga stretching or lay here until it's time to get ready.  I remember my plan on making today: the day that should have been my first day. So with that in mind, I get up and get undressed and put on appropriate yoga attire of black yoga pants and gray long sleeve shirt.  With my yoga mat and flip flops from the closet I quietly make my way downstairs. 

The house is quiet and I know it's really early since Charlie isn't even up yet, so with that in mind I make sure to leave the door unlocked.  

Outside is foggy and slightly chilly, but not too uncomfortable.  I head to the back of the house where it's more private and set my mat on the ground and take my flip-flops off and lose myself in yoga and meditation.

Sometime later when I'm finished I feel so much better and my stiff body that I woke up with is now limber and fully stretched.  I notice the fog has let up which tells me I've been out here awhile so I hurry to put my flip flops back and grab my mat which I find wet with the morning dew, so I don't roll it up and I think next time I do yoga I'll do it inside from now on. 

Inside I set my mat by the door and out of the way to dry.  I hear Charlie awake and moving around upstairs so I go to the kitchen and whip up us some breakfast.

By the time I have everything on the table he comes down freshly showered and dressed for work and I smile at the timing.  "Great timing Dad," I tell him and sit down and he does the same.

"Wow, Bells you're up early and you know you didn't have to cook for me, you know breakfast is my specialty." He's eyeing his plate ready to devour it and I laugh.

"Yeah, I know. If I wasn't here I can only imagine its breakfast three times a day for each meal with takeout every other day."

"You know me too well Bells." He embarrassingly laughs putting syrup all over his pancakes.

"I was up before you, so I figured I'd save you the trouble."  I start eating myself enjoying my first bite.

I hear him moan and I look up to see his eyes closed with his empty fork in hand and he slowly chews. I grin amazed by this and I raise a questioning brow when he opens his eyes.
"How did you get these pancakes to be so fluffy? Man, these are damn good!" I chuckle watching him take another big bite of his pancakes.

"Do you really want to know?" He hums but doesn't give any indication that he wants to know because he goes for another fork full and I smile thinking I bet o could continue to fool him with healthier ways of cooking and eating.

I know he loves eating at the dinner or getting takeout and most of his choices are not that healthy as often as he eats it.  I wonder if I could get him to eat a turkey burger instead of his normal beef patties. I think I could pull that off but I know I can't substitute his steak dinners, however, I can get him to eat more green leafy vegetables as long as I'm the one doing the cooking.

"You're awfully quiet Bella. Anything on your mind?" I look and give him a curious look and see his plate is clean and it makes me smile. 

"Just thinking. Nothing to worry about though."

"If you're sure?" He says pushing his plate away and I nod and take a drink of my coffee.

"I notice your mat by the door when I came down. Were you outside?" I nod and set my now empty plate aside as well.

"I woke up and couldn't sleep anymore, so I went outside and did some yoga, which I'll be doing inside from now on." Laughing he nods understanding what I mean.

"I get it. I know it's quite different here for you...I didn't know you took up yoga?" He says and I know he changed the subject for my benefit and staying away from talking about Arizona.

"I actually took it up the same time I started martial arts; the two go together." He nods and his eyes take a look of recognition.

"That's right. I nearly forgot about you doing that. Are you going to find a place to go to around here? I mean there's a dojo or whatever I think in Port Angeles." He says looking off to the side with a thoughtful look and rubs his neck.

"It's okay." I tell him answering to his almost forgetting. I mean it's not like I kept him updated on anything last year anyways.  As for the other thing, I'm not sure so I don't answer.

With the awkward silence that follows he gets up and takes our plates to the sink to wash. I also get up and grab his coffee mug and take it to the counter to put what he didn't finish in a to-go cup and top it off.

"Did you get far with it? Martial arts I mean?" He asks once the water is off.

"Pretty far I suppose." I vaguely answer and hand him a dish towel. I don't want to get into how far I pushed myself and used it as an outlet to forget things, or tried.

"Hmm. Well... I'm glad you took it up. I can see you've actually benefited from it. I mean you don't seem clumsy anymore." He blushes and I laugh handing him his to go cup. 

"You and me both dad." I tell him patting his shoulder as I walk by him to go to the table and grab my own coffee. 

"Now if only there was a class to get you to lose your awkwardness." I smile behind my coffee mug and I watch his face go to mock horror before we both start laughing. 

"On that note, I'm going to take my sorry awkward ass off to work. Make sure to lock up when you leave." I chuckle and watch him grab his coat and gun from the coat rack and his shoulder and moving up and down and I know he's silently laughing.

Turning around he says, "I'm really glad you're here Bella and if I haven't said it yet-- I really missed ya kid." I smile seeing and hearing his sincerity, which makes my feet move and next I'm hugging him.

"Stay safe dad." I tell him before pulling away.

"You too Bella. I should be home on time, but if I'm not I'll call to let you know. " I give him a thumbs up.  "Gotcha! Bye, dad."

"Bye kiddo." With that said he shuts the door and I make my way upstairs.

Back in my room I see my clothes on the floor and makes me remember the hankie that I said I'd wash and return back to Rosalie.  I quickly find it and with the time I have left to get ready I know I don't have time to put it through the wash so I settle for hand washing it and put it in the dryer; on delicate while I shower and get ready. 

I can't believe I forgot about it. Well.. at least not before it was too late.  I could have gotten to school and been empty-handed and therefore calling myself a liar. Which I'm not and I really want my second day to go off right.

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