Chapter 8

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Note: If you read Chapter 7 before I got the chance to edit it and add to it, I suggest that you go back and read it again. I accidentally published it before it was ready some how. Sorry and Enjoy!

Bella's POV

Once home, I put my bag on the kitchen table and go straight to the answering machine and see there's a message. I hit the play button and I hear Charlie voice and he's telling me not to bother with supper and that he wants to take me to dinner as a way to celebrate my first day of school. I smile at his sweetness and delete the message. I guess I'll just start with homework and get it done and over with. I can't believe I have so much homework on the first day of school. I think to myself as I pull my things out and I get started on it.

The phone rings an hour later just as I'm finishing my homework and I pick up the receiver right on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Oh, Bella. It's your mom." I smile and shake my head, of course it her. I'd recognize her voice anywhere.

"Hi, Mom, I knew it was you."

"Did Charlie finally get caller id?" I shake my head and realize she can't see me.

"No, I just know your voice."

"Oh well never mind then. How was your first day? Did you make any friends? Any cute girls there?" She fires question after question, displaying her Adult ADHD that she was never clinically diagnosed with, but I researched her behavior and it explains my mother exactly.

"I survived my first day just fine. I made a couple of friends and they seem pretty nice and as for your last question, I'm not even interested so don't bother asking." Frustration is evident in my voice and she sigh through the phone.

"Now Bella, your young and you'll find love again. Just because..." She starts to say but I stop her.

"Mom please stop! I'm not going to talk about this now and especially not over the phone. How is Phil?" I say holding my breath that she'll drop it and talk about Phil.

"He misses you and he's right here if you want to talk to him?" I exhale and close my eyes.

"Sure, I miss him too." I say and sit down on the floor and lean up against the wall.

"Okay, here he is. I love you Bella."

"I love you too Mom." I tell her and I feel suddenly tired whenever my mother brings up dating.

"Hey Bella how's it going in Forks?" He says and chuckles. I smile remember how he made fun of the name of town when he heard I'd be moving here. He would constantly tell me I'm moving to a utensil instead of Forks.

"As it's Forks now?" I say with humor and he chuckles again.

"Yeah, I figured it wouldn't be as funny, now that you live there." I nod feeling relieve he got over it, but I admit it was a little funny when he first said it.

"True. Forks good thought, just as I remembered it." Cold and wet. I think to myself.

"Good. That's good." He saids sounding a little lost for words, probably not remember what I said when I described it.

"Was your first day okay?"

"Yes, just like I told Mom, I survived." He chuckles and I crack a smile.

"That's good. Hey, your mom's waving for me to hurry. I'm taking her out to eat." He says and I hear him tell her to wait a minute. I shake my head and stand up. She only get's excited when it's her favorite restaurant. I giggle and wait for him to stop talking.

"I have something to do anyways. You better not keep her waiting any longer." He chuckles again because we both know how she can be when she has to wait.

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