Chapter 9

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I Don't Own Twilight!!

"You're something else kid." Charlie states as we leave the grocery store, making me laugh. I watch his teasing smile grow as he shakes his head. I know he can't get over my flirting with Esme. I personally can't stop thinking of it either, I mean, I haven't flirted like that since Lizzy. And if I'm being honest with myself, I feel really good about it. It also makes feel kind of lighter, like something has been lifted off of me.

"Thanks dad." I give him a shy smile as he grabs the bag I was carrying from me once we reach the police cruiser.
He doesn't say anything so I get inside the cruiser and put my seatbelt on. I look around the parking lot as I wait for him and I'm again reminded that I'm not in Phoenix by how empty the parking lot is. I can imagine people already home with their families in this small town compared to the larger and busier city of Phoenix.

"I'm glad you made friends with the Mrs. Cullen's and the Doctor's kids. They're a good bunch and not many people around here really give them a chance." He says when he gets in and starts the car.

I'm not surprised since the first impression I got when I met them or more specifically Rosalie; wasn't a good one.

"I suppose... I mean, I only really met three of them."  I tell him and he nods his head not taking his eyes off the road.

"They're all attractive, makes me wonder if the doctor is too?" I end up saying before I realize who I'm talking to and I realize he'll probably start squirming with me saying something like that. He's always got awkward with talking about anything to personal in the past. I know he's still the same way, because he sure hasn't asked me anything personal since I got here and I'm just waiting for the day he does.

"Well. Um. I don't know about that, but the nurses sure seem to think so." Shocked, I look at him and sure enough he's slightly fidgeting in his seat and I have to bite my lip to stop from laughing at the sight of it and look away, but I have him kudos for responding.

"It makes sense." I say a minute later when I'm safe from not laughing and embarrassing him further. He grunts a response and doesn't say anything after that and I know he feels uncomfortable.

Once in the house, Charlie goes right to the fridge to grab a beer before plopping in front of the tv to watch some sports channel. It's kind of comical watching him, because it's so route and typical Charlie and nothing like Renee's, what so ever.  With Renee it's always something different with her, nothing with her is route. Thinking this, I suddenly miss her and her crazy, erratic personality. It saddens me about the phone call earlier, but I don't let myself feel sad for very long because I'm ultimately glad she's so happy. I know it wasn't easy living with me.  She never said anything, but I know I put a huge damper on her relationship with Phil when Lizzy went missing.

I shut those thoughts down because nothing good can come of them and I've reached my quota of emotional turmoil for the day, so I make quick work putting everything we bought away and I even make my lunch for tomorrow to save me the hassle of doing it in the morning.

"Hey Char. Dad. I'm gonna head upstairs for the rest of the night." He raises his arm up not taking his eyes off the tv and I internally sigh as he does this, because I know his attention is on the current game he's watching.

"Alright. Goodnight Bells."

"Nite dad." I say and make my way upstairs.  I hit the bathroom first to do my nightly routine before going into my bedroom.

I'm not really tired, but I can only stand so many nights of just watching only sports. I have a limit, and I draw the line at two nights of watching sports. A third consecutive night is just beyond my comfort level. Plus, I don't want him asking any more questions about the Cullen's. I know he'd eventually ask which Cullen I thought was the most attractive and that's another reason I don't want to be sitting on the couch right now.

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