Chapter 9

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"Ah, well now might be a good time to talk to you about me staying a few extra days" Kate says dropping the bomb on him.

"What? A few extra days?" Tom asked in shocked, "14 give or take" she said as a dart hit right between Tom's feet almost hitting him.

He pulled the phone away from his ears, "what did Skylar says about throwing darts?!" He whispered yelled at the kids as he move again to find somewhere quiet to talk on the phone.

"That's a lot of days Kate and a couple a key games" Tom informs her, "it's alright, I have a plan, we just have to take it one day at a time and if you and Sky begin to feel overwhelmed and the kids stage a coup you just call me home, end of trip" Kate tells him anxiously.

"That's sounds good!" Tom exclaimed as he ran into the closet as Kyle and Nigel sprayed him with silly string. "Ok honey, thank you for doing this, give me someone" she told him wanting to talk to one of her kids that she missed.

"Oh, hey, you know what, their doing homework right now. And it's that math trig math thingy that you and I just aren't very good at. And it's the sweetest thing Sky form a little study group and they are helping each other out and it's like a little think tank thing, and I just hate to break that up" Tom lied as an axe break the door.

"Ok, give everyone my love and you call me right after dinner ok" Kate tells him as he hears something else break, "ok will do, bye" he told her and hand up the phone.


"Two weeks will go by in no time guys, you'll see" Tom said as he exit the twins (the girls) bedroom closing the door. "Yeah right" they scoffed in unison before the door closed, Tom then walked over to Lorraine's room and knocked before entering and took a seat at the end of her bed.

"Yeah, what's up?" She asked looking up from her magazine, "ok look, your moms not coming home for a couple a weeks" Tom break the news to her. Lorraine looked down with a slight grimace, "what?" Tom asked her confused with her face expression.

"Ok, up till now I have been mellow with this whole having it all lifestyle you and mom are currently into. A. because Sarah has the drama queen role totally covered, and B. because I've benefited from your salary spike in a very shallow but pleasing ways. But dad check it out, this afternoon you left Sky alone with no help to handle everything. Mike was repelling from from the roof, Nigel was using Kim as a human dart board. And Henry was a vomit mop all while you were lock away in your bedroom. Call me crazy pops but things are getting pretty twisted around here and Sky can't do this alone" Lorraine lecture him.

Tom said nothing for a while hearing how bad things got all in just a few days. "I need to hire some help" Tom told her desperately, "as in a babysitter? That is so not happening" Lorraine told him, "dad just call mom and tell her we need her back home" Lorraine tells him.

"I can't do that right now, not with all the work she have done, it just wouldn't be fair" Tom told her not wanting his wife to give up on her dream.

"Then why don't you spend more time at home and help Sky?" Lorraine asked him curiously.

"Honey, that's just not an option right now. I got a big job, a job that I love, am going to have calling in some back up" he advised her and then left her room.

He then went to Skylar's room but he saw her with her earphone in and doing school work so he left her alone not wanting to interrupt her.


So the next morning Tom and Skylar sat at the dinning room table with the phone book open looking for a domestic helper. But it was no use no one wanted the job after hearing how many kids Tom have.

Meanwhile Charlie sat on his bed doing homework but glance at the photo of him and Beth, his girlfriend sadly. Later the night Mark went into his parents room with his homework.

"Hey dad" he said, Tom who wasn't paying attention greeted him, "hey Mike what's up?".

"It's Mark" Mark corrected him, again, Tom looked up from his paper work, "oh right, Mark, what's up?" He asked him giving him his attention.

"I don't get this math homework" Mark informs him, "hey, you know what? I got a game that am not nearly prepared for, can you go asked Sky to help you?" Tom asked him.

"Yeah, ok" Mark answered sadly and left the room seeing that he dad went back to work without even looking at him.

He made his way to Skylar's room and entered without knocking he saw her on her bed doing her own homework. "Can you help me this math homework?" He asked her, Skylar looked up from her own work signing and a bit irritated, this is the seventh time she has been interrupted.

"Can you ask dad for help? I really need to finish this, it needs to be submitted tonight or else I fail" she informs him. He looked at her sadly and sighed and began to leave, she began to feel guilty because Mark doesn't really ask for a lot.

She pushed her work aside once more, "Mark, com'on let get this maths done" she tells him. He turned around happily and jump onto her bed to get his homework done.

It took them hours to complete it because Sky wasn't just going to do the work for him, she had to explain it to him for him to get it done so next time he wouldn't need her help.

After it was completed and Mark left her room Sky was too tired to keep her eyes open and let's just say she did indeed fail her economic class and will have to take a make up test for it.

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