Part 2 Chapter 1

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Skyler POV:

"Marry me?" Calvin asked as he got down on one knee in front of his whole family. Ok so I know you must be a bit confused so let's go back three hours.

Three hours ago

"So, um my dad wants us over for dinner tonight" Calvin said as I finished up my last assignment.

I looked at him confused, "I know, it's why am finishing my assignments" I told him.

He rub his neck, "oh y-yea, I kn-knew that" he stuttered as he fumbled with my books. "Ok, what's wrong? You have been acting weird for three weeks now, what's going on?" I asked curiously.

He signed and sat beside me on the sofa, "how long have we been together?" He asked curiously. I rolled my eyes standing up, "if you are about to start another argument about my parents still not knowing about us, then don't!" I scoffed.

For the past few weeks we have been at each other's throats about my parents not knowing about him. Ok I know it's unfair to him that I know his parents and get along with them just fine.

But parents, mostly my dad would be so disappointed with me for who Calvin is and I don't want to disappoint my parents. But I know eventually he will have to meet them and whether my dad's ok with our relationship or not am going to love Calvin forever.

Calvin stood up, "no, am done arguing. But I know eventually am going to meet them, and because your taking so long your dad's reaction will be worst" Calvin said seriously.

I bit my tongue to prevent myself from saying something I know I'll regret. So I grab him by his shirt and pulled him to me, "no more talking, am about to take a shower, and I need you with me" I told him smirking before walking off.

An hour later we both were dressed and driving to Calvin's dad house, well one of his house. When we pulled up his siblings ran out to greet us, I get along great with all of them but am closer to Anne. Anne is the oldest daughter and us currently attending Harvard University studying business.

Let's start from the top, there is Jimmy, Calvin's dad, who at first didn't like me because of my dad but after getting to know me we get along great.

Then there is Sabrina, Calvin's stepmother, she's Jimmy's third wife. she may seem like a dumb blonde at first but she is really smart and kind hearted. Plus she's an actress and we have to same taste in fashion.

Then there is Calvin my bae who I have been with for four years, he's in his last year at Yale studying particle physics.

Then there is Anne she is in her first year at Harvard University studying to get her NBA to work at her dad's company.

Then there is Daniel who is about to be a senior in high school, who into water sports.

Then there is Becky who is a pageant princess of the family, she wins every single one she enters.

Then there is Eliot who sports genius, he is an all around jock, who has sports illustrate wrap around his fingers.

Then there is Lisa, Robin (twin) and Kenneth, all three are is a special school for gifted children.

I get along with each and everyone of them, after greeting the family we went inside, "summer" I whispered to Calvin as we walked behind his family.

"What?" He asked confused, "this summer you get to meet my parents" I told him, we smiled at each other and held hands as we entered the dining room.

Dinner was shared out and everyone was having a great time just laughing and telling stories about their day.

"I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore!" Calvin blurted out cause everyone to go silent. I sat there frozen in my seat, I could feel the tears building up, "what?" I asked but it came out as a whisper.

"I can't live my life with you being my girlfriend" he told me looking in my eyes. First came shock and disbelief and then came to anger, "if you wanted to break up with me you could have done it privately and not in front of your parents!" I yelled at him standing.

He open his mouth to say something but I stopped him immediately, "shut up! I am a dammed good girlfriend. I am way too good for your ass and I deserve better!" I yelled at him and began to leave.

"I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore because I want you to be my wife!" He yelled after me.

This cause me to stop and turned around to face him, "what?" I asked highly confused. He got down on one knee and took a Tiffany's box from his pocket, "marry me?" He asked nervously.

Present Time

I stood there shock not knowing what to says, I looked at Calvin's family and saw Anne and Sabrina with tears streaming down their faces.

The others just had bright smiles on there faces, I looked down at Calvin letting my tears fall, "yes" I answered.

Calvin slip the ring onto my finger as his family cheered with excitement behind us, "I love you" Calvin whispered, "I love you too" I whispered back.

We shared a very passionate kiss before Calvin swept me off my feet and ran upstairs with me in his arms to his room.

The next morning we had a celebratory breakfast, after that I called Nora, Charlie, and Lorraine and told them the news.

Nora and Lorraine were very surprised but what surprised us all was that Charlie knew.

Apparently Calvin asked Charlie for my hand in marriage since my dad doesn't know about him.

This actually made me start crying, I even got mom on the line and told her that Calvin proposed even though she haven't met him yet.

She wasn't please with thought of me getting married to a guy she haven't met but I let her know that she'll meet him before summer ends.

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