Chapter 10

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After getting the men out of the lake the Baker family immediately pack up their things and prepared to leave. Skylar only said bye to her mom and went to her room she was really disappointed with her family right now.

Later that night while Skylar laid in bed she heard her door open, "Kenneth I don't want to see your creepy bug collection" she mumbled loudly.

"I don't remember my name being Kenneth" Skylar heard Calvin's voice, she rolled her eyes annoyed.

"I am not falling for your voice change app again Kenneth, leave me alone" she roll her eyes and fling one of her pillows in the voice direction without looking.

"Ah! That's my face" the heard the person yelped, soon she felt someone grab her by one of her legs pulling her off the bed.

She swing her other leg around wrapping it around the person's neck as they fell onto the ground together. They landed with the person on their back and Skylar's leg around their neck with her sitting on their chest.

She look down at the person and smirk, "knew those self defense classes would coming handy" she said now smiling.

Calvin choke slightly, so Skylar got up off of him and help him to his feet. She got a good look at him then slap him across the face, "the fu-" he was cut off by her grabbing him behind his neck and pulling him into a passionate kiss.

She pulled away from him a few minutes later, "never leave me alone with both of our families again" she told him seriously. He smiled softly at her, "let me make it up to you" he whispered into her ears then began to suck on her neck.


They next morning Calvin woke up only to hear his fiance throwing up in the bathroom, he got up quickly and rush inside. He held her hair up as she continued, a few minutes later she was done and brushing her teeth.

"I know what your thinking and no I am not pregnant" she told him once she was done brushing her teeth.

He signed, and hugged her from behind as they look at each in the bathroom mirror, "are you sure?" He asked her curiously.

"Yeah, I took a test it came back negative" Skylar explains sadly, she hates seeing his disappointed face.

She knows how much he wants to have kids but he is waiting on her to finish med school and then become a resident at the hospital of her choice which will be in about five years.

"Let's go get something to eat" Skylar suggests after kissing his cheek, he nod and they got dress then went downstairs to have breakfast with his family.

"Hey Calvin, can we go knee boarding?" Elliot asked excitedly, "um yeah sure" Calvin answered looking up from his pancakes smiling at his brother.

"Ca-can we invite Sarah?" Elliot asked Skylar, she rolled her eyes playfully and sent her mom a text. A few hours later the three got ready to go knee boarding, they got on the board and drove over to the Baker's side of the lake and Elliot went and got Sarah.

"Hey Mr. Baker is Sarah around?" Elliot asked curiously, "you mean Jake?" Tom asked finding it strange that a boy would be asking for his baby girl.

"Ah, no, Sarah and I are going knee boarding with Calvin and Skylar" Elliot informs him, "look who finally decides to show his face" Tom mumbled about Calvin.

"She's with her mom, she'll be back soon" Tom tells Elliot, "ok, I'll wait for her on the dock" Elliot says walking away but Tom stops him.

He let's Eliot sits on the step with him, "so ah, what do you do for living Elliot?" Tom asked wanting to make sure this Murtaugh is good enough for his daughter.

"Ah, um, am in the 8th grade" Elliot answer him confused looking at him, "right, right, and um, how is that going for you?" Tom asked him curiously.

"It's fine" Elliot answered honestly, "are you on any teams?" Tom asked, "football, boarding and baseball" Elliot answered smiling think of the sports he plays.

"And with all that focus on sports must impact your grades quite a bit huh?" Tom asked trying to find something imperfect about this Murtaugh.

"No, actually am an honor student" Elliot advised him, Tom looked at him in disbelief, "ah, um right, you play any instruments?" Tom asked a bit bitterly.

"Drums" Elliot answered smiling, "ooh, you must be in one of those punk bands huh?" Tom asked excitedly, finally finding a reason for him to be around his Sarah.

"No, symphony, you know? School orchestra" Elliot answered, Tom drop his smile and nod at him.

Soon enough Sarah arrived, "hey Elliot!" She greeted him, "oh, see you Mr. Baker" Elliot said and got up off the stairs and move toward Sarah to go to the dock.

"Later dude, dad" Sarah says to her dad as she ran off with Elliot, Tom watch them run over to the dock where he could see Calvin and Skylar waiting on them.

Sarah hugged her sister and was introduced to Calvin who she actually likes and not only because he's Elliot's brother. Calvin hands them the lifejackets as they took a seat, "hey guys!" They heard Tom yelled out.

They look out on the dock to see him jogging towards them in a wetsuit and a blue helmet on. "What now?" Skylar and Sarah groan together seeing him, "mind if I go water boarding with you?" Tom asked excitedly.

"It's knee boarding" Sarah tells him, "and am pretty sure you can't do it" Skylar advised him.

"If Jimmy can do it, I can you did" Tom advised, this cause Skylar to roll her eyes annoyed.

"You must be Calvin" Tom said holding out his hand for him to shake, "nice to see you again Mr. Baker, I just got back from Yale" Calvin explains his absence even though he didn't need to.

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