Chapter 6

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At the Barker's Lake house-

"Rise and shine everyone!" Tom shouted in the early morning. "Daylight burning! It's breakfast at the Baker's day one!" Tom exclaims loudly as everyone exit the house sleepy and grabs a plate for breakfast.

"Is there a particular reason why we're eating breakfast outside?" Sarah asked as they walked down the stairs to the long wooden table in front the house.

"Because it's a beautiful day at Lake Winnetka!" Tom cheered, just a they all heard car horn, they turn to see Charlie pulling up with Lorraine in the passenger seat with Skylar driving behind them.

"And there is the rest of the clan, c'mon!" Tom said seeing his children and bringing the rest of the food to the table.

Lorraine started complaining about the smell of the place as she got out of the car as Skylar notice her dad won't even look at her as her mom hugs her.

Skylar immediately made her way over to Sarah and hugs her and slip $100.00 in her hand. Sarah look at the money shocked, "what's this for?" She asked confused, "this should be enough for you to not prank Calvin" Skylar explains to her.

Sarah looked at her smirking with one eyebrow raised, Skylar began to feel uncomfortable. She cleared her throat, "I'll also buy you a new skateboard" Skylar said trying to bribe her even more, "deal!" Sarah exclaims and push the money into her pocket and turn to her food.

"Big breakfast everybody, so you can have enough room for family activities!" Tom cheered as he shared out the food.

"Family activities?" Henry asked confused, "absolutely, apple schmear, fishing off the old dock for big daddy, hanging up the tire swing, getting up the diving board" Tom list the family activities.

"Am going waterboarding with Elliot" Jake informs him, "and Kenneth has video games" Mark tells him.

"And Jessica and I are going to use the Murtaugh's internet hookup so that we can research for the academic decathlon" Kim advised as Skylar smiled happy to see her siblings getting along with her soon to be in-laws.

"Precisely, we need the extra hours" Jessica agreed with her twin as Tom look disappointed and sent Skylar a small glare which she noticed and stopped smiling and look down at her food.

"Well, you know you have all vacation to go over that place" Tom said sadly, "we have a vacation to do the family activities too" Henry advised.

"Hey! Sarah you want to hang out with dad today?!" Tom asked excited knowing he can always depend on her to be there.

"Actually, um, I was going to go boarding with Jake, an-nd, and Eliot" Sarah stuttered which cause Skylar and Nora to share a very knowing look.

Tom face immediately dropped not expecting that answer, "ah, um, I guess we can do all that stuff another day" Tom said disappointed.

"Dad am here to help" Skylar said wanting to spend time with her dad to talk about her engagement with him.

He immediately shake his head, "no it's fine, am sure the Murtaugh's needs you" he told her bitterly. Which caused Kate to send Tom small glare which no one noticed because they were busy eating breakfast.

Soon after breakfast the the kids all gather their things and went over to the Murtaugh's house that was across the lake.

While Skylar sat beside Lorraine in front of the lake, "dad still not talking to you huh?" Lorraine asked even though she already knew the answer.

"Yea, he hates me cause am marrying his enemy" Skylar signs, "no your marrying his enemy's son, plus he can't hate you, your his daughter" Lorraine told her.

"Then why everytime we make eye contact he's glaring at me?" Skylar asked sadly, "for now, dad will get over it" Lorraine says.

"Maybe I should tell him Jimmy is walking me down the aisle" Skylar joked, "Murtaugh is walking you down the aisle?!" Tom yelled angrily behind the girls.

They turn around to him, shocked that he heard that, "dad no! I was just joking!" Skylar immediately explains.

But Tom just scoffed and left, "well if he didn't hate, he surely do now" Skylar signed frustrated, "am going to talk to mom" Skylar tells Lorraine and walked into the house.

"Mom can you talk to dad for me, he won't even look at me" Skylar said when she entered the house.

"You have to have this conversation with your dad yourself. He is about to leave to the hardware store go with him" Kate advised.

Skylar look out the widow to see her dad getting into the car, she immediately ran outside and got into the passenger seat.

"We are going to talk and your going to listen to me!" Skylar said before Tom could say anything. He signed and started the car and drove out of the driveway, they just sat their in silence for a while.

"Why couldn't your fall for any other guy who's last name wasn't Murtaugh?" Tom asked curiously.

"Cause I didn't want anyone else but Calvin dad, he is nothing like Jimmy and if he was I would have never been with him" Skylar explains.

"But I remember when you were about Jessica and Kim's age you two hated each other. Always fighting and arguing with each other" Tom said remembering, Skylar smiled at the memory of her and Calvin.

"I don't know what happened dad, we just connected with each in college and now we're getting married" Skylar said.

"Is Jimmy really going to walk you down the aisle?" Tom asked curiously as he pulled in to the hardware store parking lot.

"No dad, I was joking, I would never let him do that. I would never replace you, that's your job dad" Skylar tells him as they exit the car.

"Your going to hyphenate your last name right? Baker-Murtaugh?" Tom asked curiously. Skylar looked at him confused, "why would I do that? Mom didn't and Nora didn't, so why should I?" Skylar asked.

"Hmmm, let's see, I don't know maybe because it's the right thing to do!" Tom shouted as they enter the store.

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