Chapter 11

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The next day was Dylan's birthday party, Tom was in the livingroom with the team and the kids upstairs doing homework. Sarah could hear the music from across the street as she looked out her window seeing people entering the party.

She signed sadly and grabbed her lacrosse stick and walked out of her room. She used her stick to knock on her brother's and sister's room door, when they got out of their room she stood in front of them. "Am going to Dylan's birthday party, who's with me?" She asked seriously.

The kids smile happily and grab their presents for the birthday boy, then used a rope to climb out a window. They each ran across the street to the party, they knock on the door and Dylan's mom answered. She was disappointed to see them, she didn't like them around her son.

They passed her their presents as they walked into her house, "Brazilian mud viper, she gets one live rat a week" Mark informs her as him hands her his present and walked in.

They found Dylan who was wondering around bordly with a juice in hand, "hey Dylan, you want to play football with the ball I got you?" Jake asked curiously.

"Ah, my nanny would have to check with my dad, who would then have to check with my mom who would say it is an inappropriate use of free time" Dylan explains to him.

"Sounds like a yes to me, go get it Mike" Jake said smiling, Mike ran off to the present table and grab Jake's gift unknowingly turning over Mark's present setting the Brazilian mud viper snake free.

Tom who didn't even know that his kids weren't in the house, was still in the livingroom with the team working on plays. Then out of nowhere he hear people terrified screams from across the streets. He pauses and looked out the window across the street seeing people running for the theirs lives away from the party.

The first thing he thought about was his kids, he moved away from the window to the bottom of the stairs, "kids?!" He yelled out.

Not getting any answer he rolled his eyes and gather his team and then they made their way across the street. When they got there Tom spot his kids all in different area so he turned to his team, "get my kids, we'll meet back at the house" he told them.

They all ran off in different directions to get the kids and grab each unsuspected kid. Tom ran up to the entrance of the bounce house where Sarah was bouncing happily.

"Sarah Baker out now!" He demanded, "no way" she said dismissively, "don't make me come up there" he threatened her.

She gave him a fake scared look amusingly, so he went in after her, she immediately ran to the other side of the bounce house to get away from him. But the ball pit balls made it hard for him to hold his balance to get to her.

While on the outside of the bounce house one of the team player accidentally knock over one of the party guest.

Who knocked over the cylinder on the bounce house tail where the oxygen enters the bounce house. Because of that the bounce house began to swell from the inside right under Tom's feet.

"Oh my god! It's going to blow!" A man screamed, and so said so done the bounce house explode sending the kids and Tom who were inside flying. Sarah landed safely in the arms of a one of the players, but Tom landed on the birthday boy Dylan.

"It was my best birthday ever coach" Dylan said to Tom with a big smile on his face as he is being wheeled into the hospital.

He had a black eye, a missing tooth and a broken arm, "your children, are never playing with Dylan again!" His mother yelled at Tom, "am sorry about your arm Dylan" Tom apologizes guilty as his phone rang.

He saw who was calling, "hello Shake" he answered and moved the phone slightly away from his ears.

"You have any idea what this can do to my program? Dont speak, listen! I dont want the players at your house and I don't want your kids in the athletic department" Shake tells him.

Some of the player did get injured in the chaos, "there he is!" A man yelled running up to Tom with a microphone with camera men behind him, "coach! How will this impact Saturday's game?" The paparazzi questioned.

Meanwhile at home the kids all crowded around the house phone, "Sarah from Everston, your on with Kate Baker" the radio announcer said.

"Mom! It's Sarah" Sarah told her, Kate smile nervously wondering if something went wrong.

"Hi Sarah, is everything ok?" She asked with a nervous smile, "come home immediately!" Sarah demanded.

"I want to talk to her!" Mark yelled trying to grab the phone from Srah, they began to fight over the phone until it drop to the floor breaking.

"Now look what you did!" Sarah said upset, she walked away from him upset with the other kids.

On Saturday Nora arrived at the house, "dad?" Nora yelled out when she entered the house.

Tom sees her and grab his work bag, "Nora, Nora thanks for coming" he told her in a rush.

"You seem kind of desperate on the phone" she said as he gave her a quick hug, "well yeah, they're, they're everywhere" he told her as he rush out of the house closing the door behind him.

Nora could hear her siblings loud voices from upstairs so she took off her jacket and went upstairs to find them.

After the game Tom sat alone in the stadium looking at the score board no surprise, his team lost the game, but only by three points.

He look up in the stands where Nigel and Kyle was sitting and saw them hitting each other with the sign they held.

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