19- Just A Transfer Initiate

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I woke up with a new feeling of confidence in myself. My thoughts went back to yesterday and it all came back; how I said that I would visit Lisa in Erudite. I knew I could do this. I pulled the covers away from my body and shivered as I went to the bathroom. There was a small nagging thought at the back of my mind and I had a feeling that it had something to do with the simulations. Of course. I had to work on my ability to not get out of a simulation like a true Divergent. Who could I go to? It wasn't as if Theo was willing to help.

Or was I just being ignorant and selfish?

I shook my head and assured myself that I would think later about what the Dauntless usually did and how they responded to situations. The Pit seemed like a great option to go to, to see how the Dauntless acted, but I knew I had to get there way before the simulations.

As I looked at the toothbrush in my hand, I saw specks of yellow and red. A gasp escaped my mouth and the toothbrush left my hands due to a quick panic attack. They had never been there before and my mind closed around the fact that Sebastian must have done it to torment me about how Amity was most likely going to be "blown up", like he had said. I picked up the toothbrush again and rinsed it well under the cool water. Knowing well that it could still be infected with the numerous amount of germs that were present in the bathroom, I still brushed my teeth to get rid of the morning breath.

Once I was done, I left the bathroom and saw that everyone had left already. That was quick. What made everyone leave so early? Usually there were a few people still hanging around in the dorms before eight. It had only reached 7:47. I shrugged and went out of the dorms as the signs of being hungry came from my stomach.

As I walked into the dining room and found that no one else was there except for a couple of Dauntless-borns, a rush of panic flooded through me. Where could everyone possibly be? Surely this wasn't some kind of prank because Dani or Karina would have at least warned me about it.

"Hey, you look lost," a Dauntless-born came up to me and stated the obvious.

"I sure am," I laughed nervously. "Would you have any idea where the transfer initiates are?"

"Hmm, I think I heard that there was some kind of mini field trip you guys were going on. You're late to that." Again, he pointed out the obvious.

"Um, thank you. I don't know where they are but I'll find them," I said as the awkward tension roamed through the air. The Dauntless-born shrugged and walked away as if he didn't care whether I found everyone or not. I sighed and decided that since everyone was supposedly gone, I could make a quick trip to Erudite and visit Lisa. Perfect.


I made it outside of the Dauntless compound with no one questioning me and I quickly ran to the train as it was just passing by. With my long, graceful strides, I made it just in time to catch the last car on the train. With my heart beating at an unbelievably fast rate, I threw my head back and laughed. I was becoming more Dauntless by the day. I sat down on the cool floor of the train car and watched as the green scenery and the occasional building went past. As the scenery changed slightly to indicate that we had reached another sector, I prepared myself to jump out. I was almost there. I was this close to visiting my sister.

On the count of three, I ran towards the edge of the train and jumped, feeling the weight of my body go down drastically. It seemed as if I were weightless for about a year until I suddenly hit the ground, causing a jolt of pain to race up both of my legs. I winced and looked around at my surroundings. The Erudite compound was a few minutes walk away from where I was now, but I knew I could make it. I could just imagine my sister tapping away at a computer with fake glasses gently rested on her nose. She didn't need glasses at all because she had perfect vision but, of course, in order to look Erudite, one must have had a few pairs of glasses. It was silly but I got the concept of it all anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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