2- Let The Nerves Begin

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Lauren's POV

I sat on the white stool in the bathroom and watched my mum curl my hair in the mirror that was in front of me. I didn't know why she was doing this, but I didn't mind anyway. I noted how calm her face appeared as she curled two-inch strands of my hair. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out. She was always so caring, happy and I had only seen her get mad twice in the 15 years that I had lived in this world.

Her body was thin, underneath the red dress she wore and she had perfect, clear skin. Her mystical, pale green eyes and long eyelashes were the features that grabbed every person's attention.

"So, today is the day of the test," she stated. I nodded slightly. "Are you nervous?"

"No," I replied.

"I knew you would say that. You're not like all your other sisters. You're different." I caught my mum's eyes in the mirror and saw truth written over them. Maybe I was different, after all.


I sat quietly in the bus with my other 5 sisters, waiting to arrive at my school. The bus jostled from side to side as it hit a patch of uneven pavement and I had to steady myself to keep from falling down, even though I was sitting on a seat. I looked around the bus, taking in the atmosphere and watched the Abnegation stand up from their seats to let others sit down. The bus was mostly filled with people from Candor, with their simple black and white outfits. The only other Amity, apart from my sisters and myself, was a young lady, sitting all by herself in the far back.

Suddenly, the bus stopped and I realized we had finally reached the school. I got up from my seat and walked out of the bus, instantly feeling the rush of cold air hitting my face. I immediately wished I had brought my red cardigan along with me, not knowing that today was going to be a cold one.

"Let's go, girls!" Christina yelled out as she motioned for all of us to follow her.

Amy's POV

My muscles tightened as soon as I walked in through the front doors. There were people everywhere; some smiling and laughing, but also some who looked pale, as if today was their last day. I wished I had brought some Amity bread with me today to help me stay peaceful throughout the day because I knew I wasn't going to cope. I had been worrying for weeks leading up to this day about what the aptitude test would tell me.

"Oh no! They're already starting the tests!" Lisa exclaimed all of a sudden. I turned my head around to look at what Lisa was pointing at and I could see long tables sat up in the cafeteria with each faction sitting together at a table. I then heard the test administrators call out ten names. Those ten people slowly made their way out of the cafeteria and then went to God-knew-where. I shivered at that moment, praying to God that I wasn't going to be called up next. I needed some time to think or to prepare myself, even though I had already been told that there was no way you could prepare for the aptitude test.

"Let's go sit at our table and wait for our names to be called out," Dani suggested as she made her way to the table where the Amity were sitting. Everyone else followed her and then we all turned quiet as we sat down. I assumed everyone was thinking about the tests. They all looked so nervous. Everyone except for one person... Lauren. I wondered why she wasn't all stressed out about this. How could Lauren manage to stay so calm in this situation? Did she sneak some Amity bread into her school backpack today or was she just someone from a whole different planet?

Lauren's POV

"From Abnegation: Susan Black and Beatrice Prior. From Candor: Molly Atwood and Christina. From Amity: Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani Cimorelli," as the Abnegation volunteer read out the next round of names, my heart seemed to skip a beat. It was my turn to go into the test room, along with my sisters.

I got up and made my way to the exit, being the first one out of everyone else who was called out. I didn't want to seem too eager for my aptitude test so I started walking very slowly until I wasn't the first person in the line anymore. Waiting for us outside of the cafeteria was a row of ten rooms. I took a deep breath and tried to relax myself but I couldn't. I managed to stay relaxed before but now that I was here, outside the test rooms, I was beginning to feel nervous.

I looked over to my sisters and smiled at all of them before I walked toward one of the doors. This is it, I told myself. I opened the door and found a Dauntless woman waiting for me.

"Take a seat and get comfortable. My name is Tori," the woman said. I sat on the chair reluctantly and leaned my head back until it touched the headrest. I tried to focus on Tori instead of the many wires she held in her hands.

She started humming a little and pressed another electrode to my forehead. She then pressed the next electrode to her own forehead and attached a wire to it. Was she going to look through my mind or something? She then passed me a vial filled with a clear liquid.

"Drink up," she ordered. Immediately I asked what it was but she told me to just trust her. I tipped the contents of the vial into my mouth and closed my eyes. I can do this, I told myself.


As soon as I opened my eyes, I found myself in the school cafeteria again. On the long table in front of me were two baskets. In one, there was a hunk of cheese and, in the other, there was a knife the length of my forearm.

From somewhere in the distance, I heard a woman say "Choose".

"Why?" I asked, looking around to find out where the voice was coming from.

"Choose," the woman repeated.

"What am I supposed to do with them?" I asked.

"CHOOSE!" she yelled. I scowled and crossed my arms as stubbornness replaced my slight fear. I was supposed to stay peaceful. I was born into Amity. What was I doing?

The baskets vanished then and I heard a door squeak. I turned around to see who or what it was and found a dog with a pointy nose, a few yards away from me. I had to think quick. It was then that I realized that the cheese or the knife would have been helpful for this situation.

I turned around again and saw a little girl wearing a white dress. She stretched out both her hands and squealed "Puppy!". She then ran towards the dog and I tried to warn her but it was too late. The dog was ready to attack the little girl. I didn't think about myself. The only thing I could think of right now was the little girl's life. I immediately jumped and hurled my body on top of the dog, wrapping my arms around its neck.

My head hit the ground with a bang and the dog was gone. Somehow, I found myself in the testing room again. But, I was alone and the room was now empty. I decided to get out of the room so I opened the door and instead of walking into the hallway, I walked into a bus. There were no seats left so I stood in the aisle, grabbing onto a pole.

"Do you happen to know this guy?" an old man asked me as he tapped on a picture on the front page of his newspaper. I looked at what the man was pointing at and saw a young man with a plain face and a beard. The headline of the article read "Brutal Murderer Finally Apprehended!" I felt like I knew this person although I couldn't remember how. What would a true Amity do? I didn't know whether to tell the man that I felt like I knew this person from somewhere. It seemed like it would be a bad idea to tell the old man that.

"Well, little girl? DO YOU KNOW THIS GUY?!" the old man boomed. I flinched in fear and my heart started racing.

"No, I have no idea who he is," I replied casually. The man leaned close to my face and I could smell his breath. Cigarettes. This is not real, I reminded myself. This is not real.

I watched him reach into his pocket to take something out and found that he was carrying a knife.

"You are one little LIAR, little girl! I will make you PAY!" I could feel the knife against my neck and I once again reminded myself that this wasn't real. The knife, the man, the newspaper... nothing was real.


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