1- Don't Worry, Be Happy

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(Note: The Cimorelli girls were born into Amity)

Lauren's POV

My eyes were focused on the colour of my long, flowing skirt. It was a beautiful light yellow. The way the soft material touched onto my skin made me feel somewhat relieved. I didn't know why, but I was relieved that I was born into the Amity faction. It was the faction that was formed in order to have a peaceful society, free from conflict and sadness caused by war. I really didn't need all the stress from fights and wars.

I walked over to the long mirror in my room and looked at myself. I loved the way my wavy, brown hair fell across my shoulders and looked perfect against the red top I was wearing. I simply couldn't understand how the Abnegation were only allowed to look at themselves in the mirror 4 times in one year. If I was born into Abnegation, how would I have survived?

"Hello, Lauren!" Katherine, my older sister, greeted me as she came into my room and sat down on my bed. She always had a smile on her face and I admired that so much about her.

"Hi, Kath! How are you on this very fine day?" I asked.

"Pretty good. I was just thinking about tomorrow." Tomorrow? What was happening tomorrow? But then, I remembered and my heart seemed to drop down a mile. All of my sisters and I were going to be taking the test tomorrow to find out which faction we really belonged to. (A.N- Changing this up a little, so all the sisters will be taking the aptitude test on the same day) I looked at Katherine's face and saw her expression change from joyful to sorrowful.

"Well, hopefully all our test results show that we belong in Amity," I mentioned. "Why do you look so sad?"

"I don't know, Lauren. I really don't know." With that, Katherine exited the room and left me all alone, thinking about what could have possibly been running through her mind.

I thought about the test for a while. There was a chance that some of our test results would show that we belonged in another faction. Christina's test results might show that she was a Candor. She was, after all, very honest with everyone. Lisa and Amy could possibly be told they belong in Erudite. Katherine might even be told that she belonged in Abnegation. Dani... I didn't know about her. She was honest, peaceful, and even intelligent. But, nobody's test results could show that they belonged in 3 factions at once. We all could only belong in one. Right?

Either way, it all depended on what faction we chose on Choosing Day. I was pretty sure that neither one of my sisters, or I, would have the guts to transfer to another faction. I could already imagine myself living here, in the Amity compound, for the rest of my life. I was already comfortable with the idea of wearing my plain red top and flowing, mustard yellow dress every single day.


I stepped out onto the farm where I saw Lisa and Amy picking out some fruit from the trees and happily singing to each other. I smiled at this and walked over to my sisters and hugged each of them before I started talking.

"How do you guys feel about tomorrow?" I asked.

"I'm pretty confident. I'm sure that my results are going to show Amity," Amy replied, showing a little hesitancy in her voice.

"Yeah, same," Lisa answered, nervously. I was so confused by this. First it was Katherine, and now Lisa and Amy were also showing signs that they were nervous about tomorrow. Why would they be nervous?

"Well, your results aren't going to show Candor, that's for sure!" I laughed. All Amy and Lisa did was stare at me in a weird way. I decided to walk back home, not wanting to carry this conversation any longer.

As soon as my feet touched the cool, marble floors of my home, I immediately felt peace and happiness. I found Dani seated on a stool, taking bites of her favourite Amity bread.

"Hello, Dani! What are your thoughts on tomorrow?" I questioned.

"No idea, honestly. Mixed feelings, I guess," she shrugged. At least she wasn't acting nervous and seeming suspicious like Katherine, Lisa and Amy.

Christina's POV

The thought of tomorrow's aptitude test nearly made me want to puke. I know I should have been more worried about the Choosing Ceremony but instead, I was worried about tomorrow. I just had this weird feeling inside me that one of my sisters' results would be inconclusive, and that meant only one thing... Divergent.

I wasn't worried about myself, however, since I was already certain that my results would be Amity.

"Girls, let's get together for a little meeting, shall we?" my mum called out from downstairs. I walked out of my room and went down each step elegantly, sitting myself down on one of the comfortable chairs.

"Now, as you all know, tomorrow is the aptitude test. I don't want any of you girls to be nervous. There's nothing to worry about." As my mum said this, I saw Lauren looking over at Lisa, Amy and Katherine, which I found a little strange. "It's all going to be okay. Just know that the most important thing is what faction you choose in the Choosing Ceremony. I know that you're not all going to choose Amity and I'm fine with that. Just do what your heart tells you to do. Understood?" We all nodded our heads in agreement and waited for our mum to signal that we could go off and do whatever we wanted to do.

All I wanted to do was go back up to my room and think. Think about the aptitude test. The Choosing Ceremony. My whole future was in my hands, now that I really thought about it.

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