13- Shoot Her And I'll Shoot You

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Lauren's POV

It had been two minutes already and nobody had moved ever since. It was as if the whole world decided to remain silent until someone made a move. Finally, ever so slowly, Theo reached into his back pocket and took out a real gun. I tensed up immediately and almost screamed out loud. How could this be happening?

Now both of them, Theo and Eric, were holding a gun. Only God knew what was going to happen next. 

"Shoot her and I'll shoot you," Theo spoke. I watched as Theo and Eric glared at one another. If looks could kill, they would both be dead by now. Hatred seemed to surround the air around them and it didn't look as if that hatred was going to go away any time soon. I could tell by the look in their eyes how much they loathed each other's presence.

Eric finally dropped his gun down and it landed on the floor with a thud. I flinched a little, not sure of where Eric was going with this. Theo also lowered his gun and the intense eye contact the both of them, him and Eric had, had broken as Theo shifted his eyes towards me. He started walking towards me, lending out a hand to help me get up.

"Eric, don't you dare go near Lauren again, do you hear me? I swear, one day, I will kill you. It's going to happen if you go near her again and there's no denying it," Theo spoke to Eric with words made of ice.

"Not if I kill the both of you first," Eric smirked, as if he was the smartest person here.

"So now you want Theo dead as well? I'm sorry, but did someone put a dent in your brain the moment you were born?" I spoke up.

"Lauren, careful," Theo whispered in my ear as his grip around my waist tightened.

"Keep talking like that and I'll make the day of your death come a little sooner," Eric said. I hadn't realised that Luke and Alex had been awkwardly standing over to the right until Alex cleared his throat.

"Um, I have no idea what's going on right now but the flag is just over there and anyone can take it. Well technically, only Lauren can but still," Luke pointed out. He was right. I could just grab the flag right now and this whole game would be over. Then I could just go back to Dauntless headquarters with Theo and hopefully, I'd be safe again.

"Ah, let's just give the weak one some confidence she can boost up her sleeve. Go ahead Lauren Cimorelli. Take the flag," Eric spit out with the venom clearly coated in his words.

"I will, actually," I replied proudly as I walked over to the flag, grabbed it and swung it around the air. I yelled out into the crisp air and smiled when I heard a few people cheering on the ground beneath this building.

In that moment, I couldn't exactly say I was the happiest person alive. I wasn't. Even though it felt great that I didn't let down the team, I was still scared to death of Eric. He could have killed me tonight and I wished he had, because waiting any longer for him to kill me was going to create even more stress. I realised I wouldn't even be able to walk anywhere alone without the fear of Eric popping out of nowhere with a gun and being like "There is where it all ends".


"Hey, well done Laur!"

"That was pretty cool, Lauren!"

"I knew from the start that our team was going to win!"

I tried to ignore all of the people who were congratulating me but it was hard when almost every two seconds someone patted my back. If only they knew what really happened up there. But I couldn't tell them even if I wanted to. Some things just had to stay a secret, even from your own best friends and sister.

"Hey, why do you look so down?" Dani asked me, interrupting me from my overwhelming thoughts.

"I'm not. We should get back on the train, come on," I persisted, trying to change the subject. Dani gave up on getting me to tell her why I seemed so down and we both ran together to the train that was just about to pass us, along with everyone else. In one quick movement, Dani and I pulled ourselves up onto the train and breathed sighs of relief that sounded in unison. If we had been just one second late, we would have completely missed the train.

"Now that's what I call real Dauntless fun," Dani laughed as she wiped off the sweat built up on her forehead.

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