10- Was This All A Game For Him?

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Lauren's POV

When I woke up, I found myself in a hospital bed. I guess it was now my turn after Karina. I tried to smile at that but my lips felt so different on me, as if the nurses stitched somebody else's lips onto mine. That thought made me cringe a little. I sighed and silently prayed that I could see the state I was in right now, in a mirror. I really wanted to see if I was decent-looking enough to sneak out of here to get myself some food.

"Good morning chicken," I heard a voice all of a sudden. I almost screamed in fright and then saw Dani coming over to me on my left side.

"You scared me!" I laughed.

"And you look terrible," Dani remarked with a smirk. I shook my head and tried to get up but it hurt. My head was throbbing so I just lay down again.

"When will I ever get out of here?" I asked in a tiny voice that made me sound as if I was the weakest girl in the universe.

"Soon," Dani replied. "Hey, want me to get you some food?"

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks!" I said. Once Dani had gone, I thought about what I was going to do now. I had lost my fight with Sebastian and that was pretty obvious. I had to ask Theo what this was all about. Did he think this was a game to try and ruin me until I died or something?

Dani's POV

As I quietly walked down the hallway to the kitchen to get something for Lauren, I heard voices coming from a room. I stood outside it, hoping to hear some parts of the conversation going on in there.

"Finish her, Theo! Kill her! She can't live any longer!" a mad man shouted from inside the room.

"I can't possibly do that," I heard Theo's calm voice.

"Then you leave me no choice but to kill her myself. That's exactly what I'll do. Wait until we go out and play capture the flag. After that night, she'll be gone like the wind," I could hear the mad man say.

"Do what your heart desires but trust me... that's not exactly the best of ideas," I heard Theo say as his voice became more clear and I heard footsteps getting closer to the door. I suddenly realised that Theo was about to open the door so I quickly ran and hid behind a wall. I silently thanked God that I made the right move at the right time and then waited until I knew that Theo was gone for good. I then continued walking down the hallway until I reached the Dauntless kitchen.

Lauren's POV

I had no idea what the time was now, but I had a feeling that it was really late at night. I quietly got out of the hospital bed I was in, careful not to make a sound, and made my way to the door. I was feeling much better now and I felt that there was no need to stay in here overnight. This place gave me the creeps anyway.

I crept out of the room and silently walked down the hallway. In the far distance, I could see someone walking down the hallway as well. I squinted to try and identify who that person was, but I couldn't make it out. I decided to follow that person. I jogged on the tips of my toes so I didn't make a lot of noise and then found that I was more closer to the person and that he, now that I could identify it was a man, had stopped walking.

He turned around and I saw that it was Theo. Perfect.

"Oh, um, we need to talk," I whispered. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked around to see if anyone else was in sight.

"How can I help you?" he asked once he seemed sure that no one was around.

"I just said that we need to talk," I repeated.

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