9- Strengths and Weaknesses

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Lauren's POV

I looked around carefully at my surroundings. The railing was really narrow and made out of metal. That was hard enough for me but what made it even harder was the fact that the spray of water from the river each moment or so kept coating it, making it more slippery for me. I didn't deserve to be picked on all the time like this, but who could I go to? It wasn't as if I could just go to my other sisters and they would hug me and take care of me for the rest of my life... no, it wasn't like that anymore. Nothing was as the way it used to be.

I was trembling, while trying to hold on for dear life. My legs wouldn't stop shaking and I couldn't lift myself up and swing my legs over the railing since I was so weak. Just then, the river hit the wall once again but more water than ever before slapped me hard on the back and onto my hands. My hands slipped so I was just holding on by my fingertips. God, please help me. Why would you let me suffer like this? Do I deserve all this for my cowardice?

My fingertips began to catch more water and in that moment, I knew... I knew I was going to fall and drag myself down to my death. I knew that no one was going to help me. I didn't even try to bring myself up so I could save my own life because I knew it wasn't worth trying. That was when both of my hands lost control...

I shut my eyes and imagined myself going down the chasm right now. I could feel the air pushing me downwards as if it didn't want me anyway. This was how it all felt like when you were falling for your death, wasn't it? Was it also normal to feel a pair of muscular hands grab your own, or was that just God?

Something pulled me back up and then I heard feet shuffling closer to me. I opened my eyes, confused, and realized that I never actually fell to my death. My imagination got the most of me.

I breathed a sigh of relief and silently thanked Theo for saving me, just when I was about to fall. I knew it was him, because who else had such muscular hands here?

Dani and Tyler were right beside me in that moment. Dani immediately wrapped me up in a tight hug and whispered "I'm so glad you're still alive".

Dani's POV

I could feel Lauren's body quivering from the cold of the water as I hugged her tightly. If she had fallen to her death, I would have done the same.

I walked with Lauren to the dorms so she could change into cleaner clothes and warm up a little. From there, we visited the small hospital and kneeled besides Karina's bed. I felt so bad that was the one responsible for her cuts and bruises. She would probably never forgive me again. No, she wouldn't.

"Maybe we should just let her rest. We'll come back in the morning to see how she's doing," Lauren suggested since Karina was still sleeping. I turned around and gave her a look of disappointment. I couldn't believe Lauren wanted me to leave the girl that I had just caused to come here in the first place. "Dani, you worry too much. Just remember that if you hadn't beat Karina, you would have been the one in hospital. Just remember that."

"You're so selfish, you know that?" I responded with disgust in my voice.

"What, did your aptitude test results show that you were Abnegation or something?" Lauren spit back.

"No! I care for my friends, unlike you!" I cried.

"Then did your results show that you were Divergent?" Lauren spoke more slowly and seriously this time.

"What's Divergent?" I asked. Was it another faction or something that no one except Lauren knew about? I was pretty sure I had never heard of that word until now.

"Um, uh, n-nothing," Lauren replied hesitantly.

"Why are you so nervous now? Tell me! What's Divergent?" I asked again.

Divergent: A Cimorelli FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora