11- And The Devil Makes An Appearance

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* 2 Days Later *

Lauren's POV

I slowly changed into fresh clothes for the night, wincing every time a sharp pain rushed through my back. There were still quite a few bruises and cuts on my body from my fight with Sebastian, but it was going away. I crawled across my mattress and stifled a yawn. As soon as my head touched the pillow, the door to the dormitory opened and people barged in carrying flashlights that blinded me for about 2 seconds.

"Everyone up! I'm giving you all 5 minutes to get dressed and meet us out by the tracks. We're going on a field trip!" a man boomed. Field trip? Who went on field trips at night time? I couldn't quite make out how he looked in the dark but I was determined to find out who he was and what he was doing here. It wasn't Theo and that was definite.

Surrounding that man were other Dauntless people whom I had never seen before either. Among those Dauntless people stood Theo. His eyes caught mine and stayed there for a while until I got out of bed and walked over to Dani who was getting dressed. Luckily, I was already appropriately dressed for the night.

"Let's go," Dani whispered nervously as soon as she had finished getting ready.

"You sound pretty nervous," I pointed out as I walked out of the dormitory with her and Karina trailing behind, who was still heavy with sleep.

"Well, someone's not going to make it tonight," Dani explained.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Someone's going to die, Laur," Dani said as she looked at me with worry in her eyes. What did she mean that someone was going to die? I had a feeling that that 'someone' was going to be me.

We finally made it to the tracks and, next to it, was a pile of tranquilizer darts and guns.

"Wait, what? Who are we shooting?" Karina mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

"Karina, wake up!" I whispered loudly as I jabbed her in the eyes with my elbow. She winced in pain and opened her eyes wider.

"Everyone grab a gun!" Theo shouted. We all rushed towards the pile and I grabbed the first gun I could find, then shoved a bunch of darts in my pocket.

"The train will be here very soon," he explained.

A few moments later, I spotted a circle of light on my left, far away. It grew larger as it came closer and the sound of the train gliding across the tracks became louder. Theo was the first to get on the train and I followed him from behind. He turned around as I fell into stride next to the car and he held out a hand to help me in. I grabbed his arm and he pulled me in with ease. I let go almost immediately and planned on going towards to other end of the car, but he stopped me.

"Lauren, that guy before was Eric. He's planning on killing you tonight so I need you to stay with me so he doesn't succeed in doing that," he whispered in my ear. Goosebumps began covering my arms as he told me that the guy who called the field trip was actually Eric and that he wanted to kill me tonight. How did Dani know that someone was going to die tonight, though? I was glad that she wasn't aware of the fact that the person who could probably die tonight was me.

"I thought he wanted the Divergent to become factionless, though," I whispered, trying to make sure nobody else could hear me since the others began piling into the car.

"He's changed his mind," Theo replied. Out of my peripheral vision, I could see Eric glaring at me from head to toe. I stayed as close to Theo as possible.

"Tonight, we're going to be dividing up into two teams to play capture the flag. Each team will have a mix of Dauntless-born initiates and transfers. One team will get off the train first to find a place to hide their flag. The second team will then get off and do the same. This is Dauntless tradition so I suggest you take it seriously and don't mess around," Eric explained. He had short blonde hair and many piercings and tattoos, but I just couldn't stop shaking every time I looked at his cold eyes that made him all the more menacing. He looked so evil and I knew that tonight I had to be careful.

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