5- New Friends and Newly Found Confidence

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Lauren's POV

I was completely breathless by the time the Dauntless lead us out through the exit. The air was cold and crisp which helped my flustered cheeks go back to normal. I was falling behind everyone else, most likely because I hadn't run in quite a while. I pushed myself even harder and finally caught up with everyone. I followed the Dauntless down the street and around the corner. I then heard the faint sound of a train horn.

"Oh, god. Don't tell me we're going to have to hop on the train," a girl from Candor complained.

"Well, that's what they do," I chuckled.

The Candor girl sighed and, together, we waited for the train to arrive. We had to do this. If we couldn't hop onto that train then we were going to become factionless. It was as simple as that.

The Dauntless spread out in a long line, preparing themselves to jump on the train. They knew exactly what they were doing. After all, they had done this around 100 times already. The train glided towards us on steel rails. The door of each car was open, as if they were expecting the Dauntless to pile in any moment. In an instant, all of the Dauntless piled in, group by group. Then, the Dauntless-born initiates hopped in. It was just the faction transfers left now.

I jogged forward with a few others and then jumped in sideways. I slammed my shoulder clumsily and hurriedly clung on to a handle next to the doorway. My arms shook slightly and I gasped, realizing just how weak I was. Finally, the Candor girl from before pulled me inside. I thanked her and sat down. I didn't go to check if anyone had failed to get on the train. Someone probably did and there was no use looking back to see who it was. They were now factionless and there was nothing anyone could do about that.

"Oh, my lord. Did you guys just see that? A Stiff just failed to hop onto this train. Ha, what was that Stiff thinking, choosing Dauntless anyway?" A Dauntless-born initiate spoke.

"Um, excuse me? Could you just shut your mouth? Maybe that girl from Abnegation chose Dauntless for a reason. So judgemental, ugh. How dare you," the Candor girl said in disgust.

I wanted to laugh at her comment but, by looking at the Dauntless-born initiate's face, that probably wasn't such a great idea.

"Well, luckily I helped you get on the train," the Candor girl turned to me. "I'm Karina, by the way. What's your name?"

"Thanks for helping me, Karina. I'm Lauren," I smiled. She was around the same height as me, olive skin tone and stunning brown eyes. She was insanely pretty.

"No worries," she replied. I looked out and thought about my mum and sisters. Mum, Christina and Katherine were probably on their way home right now. I wondered how their life was going to turn out without me, Amy, Lisa and Dani.

Dani. Where was Dani? I sat up straighter with the thought of Dani on my mind. Where had she transferred to? I immediately felt tears rising up in my eyes but I wasn't going to let them fall out. I had to find out which faction my little sister had transferred to.

I closed my eyes and pictured Dani failing initiation and joining the factionless. I pictured her living the rest of her life on the streets, with barely anything except for a few other people she could befriend and crumbs of bread and biscuits laying on the ground. I could just imagine her hair, all tangled up and messy. There would be dark circles underneath her pleading eyes, being the only darkness on her pale face. I could clearly see her clothes ripped on the arms and scars on her legs. I felt a rush of tears falling down my face as I thought all of this. I needed my little sister. I needed Dani.


"Hey, they're jumping off!" I heard. I opened my eyes and lifted my head. How long had I been asleep for? I rubbed my eyes tiredly and stood up. It was true. The Dauntless in the cars ahead of us were jumping off the train.

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