4- Which Faction Will It Be?

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Lauren's POV

Time flew by so fast from the moment I woke up today to sitting here, on this chair in the Choosing Ceremony. The rows of chairs in the room were arranged into five sections, according to each faction. This year, it was Abnegation's responsibility to conduct the ceremony and, in the centre of the room, stood Marcus Eaton.

"Welcome everyone," he began. "Welcome to the Choosing Ceremony; the day we honour the democratic philosophy of our ancestors, which tells us that every person has the right to choose their own way in this world."

I squeezed Dani's hand as hard as she was squeezing mine. I was almost certain that today was going to be the last day I would ever get to be with Dani, like this. I was almost certain we were going to go separate ways. I tried holding in my tears as I thought this and looked down to the ground.

Marcus continued on talking about how our ancestors determined that it was the fault of human personality that was believed to have been responsible for the world's disarray. 

"Those who blamed aggression formed Amity." I immediately began to pay more attention to what he was saying as he said this. I saw everyone in Amity exchange smiles, except for me and my sisters. 

"Those who blamed ignorance became Erudite." I nodded my head slightly when he said this. I wasn't going to transfer to Erudite. They would find out very easily that I am Divergent.

"Those who blamed duplicity became Candor." I wasn't going to transfer to Candor, no way.

"Those who blamed selfishness made Abnegation." Abnegation was probably the only best option for me. 

"And finally, those who blamed cowardice became Dauntless." I would never make it through Dauntless initiation, no matter what it consisted of. But... something made me want to go to Dauntless anyway. What was I thinking? Why couldn't I just stay in Amity and be with my mum for the rest of my life? I shut my eyes and let the tears that had already formed roll down my cheeks. I was acting stupid now. I couldn't think straight.

"Lauren, it's going to be okay," Dani whispered to me. I only nodded in response.

After a while, I heard people around me applaud but it all sounded muffled to me. I tried standing completely still so I didn't shake. Marcus started reading out the first name but I couldn't tell one syllable from the other. I wasn't going to make it through the day without collapsing.

I watched a girl from Candor walk to the middle of the room where five large, metal bowls sat. Each one of them contained a substance respresenting each faction: grey stones for Abnegation, earth for Amity, water for Erudite, glass for Candor, and lit coals for Dauntless. The girl let her blood drop onto the glass; the substance for Candor. Not a faction transfer. Was she too scared or did she really want to stay in Candor?

A few more names were called out and then I heard Christina's name. My heart seemed to drop a mile as Christina hugged each one of us. It seemed to me as if Christina was going to be the first faction transfer of the year. 

"I love you guys," Christina whispered. She then walked up to the middle of the room. I couldn't bear to watch as Christina pressed the knife blade on her palm. I could hear her breathing deeply. She then held her hand over the Amity bowl and her blood dripped onto the earth. I sighed and smiled. Christina would never be the one to transfer to another faction. I watched mum wipe away tears of happiness. 

"Katherine Cimorelli." I straightened up a little as I heard Kath's name being called out. She immediately hugged all of us and practically ran to the middle of the room. She cut her hand and winced. Katherine then let the droplet of blood fall over the earth. Of course. Katherine wouldn't ever have the guts to walk away from mum's life either. She was going to stay.

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