7- Those Who Don't Learn Fast... Will Get Hurt

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Lauren's POV

Theo lead us down the hallway to another room. It was pretty huge and an old, green chalkboard was located to the left which had all of the initiates' names written in alphabetical order. The wooden flooring was slightly cracked in some areas and creaky. Faded, black punching bags hung at one metre intervals along the right side of the room.

We all made a semicircle around Theo as he stood in the middle of the room.

"If you were all listening to me this morning, you would have heard me say that the next thing you will learn is how to fight. We teach you this in order to prepare you to respond to the threats and challenges you will face in your time here in Dauntless. This is one thing you are going to have to really learn if you plan on surviving life as a Dauntless."

The phrase "surviving life as a Dauntless" sent shivers down my spine. I didn't know if I was going to survive or not. I didn't want to fight and be violent and everything. My mum would be so upset if she saw me going against Amity's rules. Stop thinking about Amity, Lauren. You're in Dauntless now. Your mum can't see you, a voice inside my head kept saying.

"We will go through technique today, and then tomorrow you will all start to fight each other. This is why I recommend that you all pay attention. Those who don't learn fast... will get hurt." As Theo said that last sentence, he looked at me in particular. I had no idea why but I suspected that Theo was going to be watching me, especially, in this part of the initiation. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. Could Theo figure out that I was Divergent? Did he somehow see my aptitude test results? Stop overthinking everything, Lauren! Just because he looked at you, it doesn't mean anything. He could just be trying to get the message across clearly, the voice inside my head continued.

I wasn't so sure anymore. 

Dani's POV

I was too skinny and too weak to fight anyone else in this room. I was most likely going to fail initiation. The factionless people were pretty much calling for me now. I was dead. So dead.

Theo demonstrated and named a few different kicks and punches. Each time he reminded us that we had to use all the power we had. I had no power at all. We were then told to go off and find a punching bag to practise the punches and kicks ourselves. I stood in front of the punching bag between Lauren's and Ariana's.

Ariana immediately began punching and kicking like crazy. It seemed as if she wasn't really taking note of anything that Theo told us and was just throwing punches and kicking to probably not get caught out on. I shook my head. I could just imagine the quiet, scary instructor to start yelling at poor Ariana for being so careless.

It took me a while to get a hang of the punches that Theo demonstrated to us. Compared to others, I was doing a pretty great job. Lauren, on the other hand, seemed to be having trouble. She knew how to do the punches but she didn't have much power behind her arms. And I thought I was the weak one. I smirked at this. There might possibly be a chance that I would stay here, in Dauntless. Dani, STOP. She's your sister. What are you talking about? a voice inside my head told me. I immediately felt guilty. I had to help Lauren.

Lauren's POV

I watched as Theo wandered around the initiates and corrected a few people on their technique. When he came to Ariana, he grabbed her by the arm and made her punch herself. A few people giggled uncontrollably but I felt really sorry. 

"What do you think you're doing? Stop PLAY fighting and start fighting for REAL! Don't just go around and punch and kick like a little girl! What are you, like 12?!" Theo exclaimed. I saw tears rising in Ariana's eyes and I could tell she was hurt deep inside.

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