3- Abnegation, Candor, Erudite, Dauntless or Amity?

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Lauren's POV

I woke up to sweaty palms and breathed a sigh of relief. I was lying in the chair in the testing room and this time I knew I was back into reality. I tilted my head to the side and saw Tori pinch her lips together as she removed the electrodes from our heads. I waited for her to say something to me but she said nothing and she continued pulling the wires from my head.

I sat forward once every wire was off and I could feel that I had done something wrong. There was a strange look on Tori's face and I was nervous about what she was going to tell me.

"That... was perplexing. Excuse me, I'll be right back," she finally said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at this. Perplexing? How?

After waiting in silence for a few moments, Tori came back inside the room. She stood in front of me and looked pale and tense.

"Lauren Cimorelli, your results were... inconclusive. Usually, in each stage of the simulation, one or more of the factions are eliminated but, in your case, only two had been ruled out," Tori explained. Only two? "Your test results showed you were equally Abnegation, Erudite and Dauntless. Not Amity," she continued explaining.

"Oh," I managed to blurt out.

"Honey, they call it Divergent. Under no circumstances should you share this information with anyone. I know that you aren't supposed to share your results anyway, but this is different. Divergence is extremely dangerous and if the wrong people find out... the consequences will be severe. Do you understand?"

I nodded slightly. I had to stay calm even though I wanted to scream and yell and make a huge fuss about this. I had to stay peaceful. Wait, what the heck, I wasn't even Amity anymore. I could be whoever I wanted to be. I wasn't Amity. My test results didn't even show a sign of Amity. Who was I anymore and how could inconclusive test results show that I was dangerous?

"I suggest that you go home now. Waiting for the others might not benefit you. I'll tell your sisters," Tori suggested. I sighed and walked out of the test room. Divergent, hey? Now what faction am I supposed to choose in the Choosing Ceremony?

Lisa's POV

"Lisa Cimorelli, your test results show that you are," the tester said, "Erudite."

I knew it. I wasn't born peaceful or happy... no, I was born intelligent. I always found books and learning new things interesting, so my test results were not much of a surprise to me.

"Thank you," I replied, feeling the need to say that. I walked out of the room as soon as the Abnegation volunteer gestured for me to go out. I felt the cool breeze of the air on my burning cheeks. The test was frightening and it all felt so real, but I made it.

I waited for a while outside for my sisters to appear. I only waited for 5 minutes and all of my sisters, except for Lauren, came out. I had this weird feeling inside me that Lauren was already out and had already gone home. 

"Where's Lauren?" Dani asked with a nervous, shaking voice.

"I think she's gone home already," I shrugged and started walking to the bus stop. I sneaked a glance towards my sisters and saw that Dani's and Amy's cheeks were flustered red and they were shivering, although I could tell it wasn't only because of the strong winds and the cold air. Christina's face appeared blank and Katherine looked deep in thought. I took my mind off my sisters as soon as the bus came. I hopped onto the bus and made my way towards a vacant seat.

Katherine's POV

I didn't know how to feel about my test results. I got an unexpected result of Candor. I tried shrugging off the thought of my test results, but failed. The only thing we all really needed to think about was what faction we were going to choose in the Choosing Ceremony, which was tomorrow. I didn't want to leave mum and dad; I wanted to stay with them forever. It was just the thought that I got Candor instead of Amity that really struck me.

Lauren's POV

As soon as my feet touched the cool tiles of my home, I made a dash to my room. I suddenly didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I had to think about what faction I was going to choose tomorrow. It would not be wise to choose to stay in Amity since my test results showed absolutely no sign of it. 

Erudite didn't seem like a good choice. Was I really that smart? Besides, the people in Erudite were smart so wouldn't there be a possibility that they would find out I was Divergent? Abnegation didn't seem like a good idea either. Just the thought of only being allowed to look in the mirror 4 times in a year made me want to puke, not to mention the plain, boring clothes and food. But, Abnegation could also be a good choice for me since I might be safe there. Maybe no one will find out that I'm Divergent. Dauntless seemed scary. What if Dauntless initiation consisted of continuous fighting until, like, half the initiates died or something?

I shivered and went to grab a red cardigan from my closet. I walked down the stairs, just in time for dinner.


After dinner, I walked back up the stairs but, before I could go inside my room, Dani placed her arm on mine and looked at me with her light green eyes.

"Lauren, I noticed you came home earlier than the rest of us. What happened?" she asked.

"Um, I just got sick because of that liquid the tester gave me," I lied, hoping Dani couldn't see that I wasn't telling the truth.

"Oh, anyways... Lauren, we should think of our family tomorrow, at the Choosing Ceremony." There was a slight edge to her voice. "B-But we must also think of ourselves." For a moment, I stared at her and wondered what her test results were. Why was Dani even telling me this?

"The tests don't have to change our choices, Dani," I smiled weakly.

"No, they don't. But just remember to choose the faction you really want to be in. The rest of your life depends on your choice. Besides, mum doesn't mind if we switch."

I nodded at this and waved a goodbye before disappearing into my room. Dani was acting really strange today. Was she also Divergent? Was she going to switch to another faction tomorrow? Did she want to start a new life in another faction?

So many questions and thoughts ran through my mind and this was making it difficult for me to fall asleep. Dani was the only thing that was on my mind right now. Why was I suddenly so worried about my younger sister?


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