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We stopped by a wooden building that looked sort of run down, but was still sturdy enough to survive the weather and titan mobs that haunted this world. The cold winter air was gone on this day, leaving a warm sensation on my half exposed skin. It was like the climate was in favor of Eren's rescue.

Jean was courteous enough to rise out of his perch on a box and hopped down to pull the latch over, granting us all an exit. Grabbing load-fulls of crates, we hopped down as well.

Jean pulled a big sack over his shoulder and looked down at Sasha from the cart. "Your friends potatoes are in there."

The brunette looked up with a frown gracing her face, hair caressing her face with the warm wind brushing over her. "What are you referring to, Iv'e forgotten all about it already."

Jean hopped down, boots sinking into the grass. "Don't worry, there are people other than you that could forget about this."

Armin walked alongside me casually as we made our way towards the building. "Anyway, it seems prices are rising rapidly, we would starve if we were to lose these provisions." He stated nonchalantly.

I frowned slightly at that. I didn't forget that these people had a food problem constantly around here. We never did in Konoha, and even more so when we opened up trade with Suna after the alliance treaty was signed. We gave them water and fruit, they gave us exotic plants for harvest and dried goods to eat that Tenten had become particularly fond of.

"Don't you practice agriculture here? The weather doesn't signal a drought..." I muttered in curiosity.

Jean sighed deeply. " we do, its just that we didn't usually get trampled by titans on a regular basis in the past, we had an abundance of food back then, no one was hungry, the days were lazy, and the military police spent them drinking beer and playing games...it was after the first breach that everything went to hell, the first and second wall fell, so all the survivors had to seek shelter in wall Sina."

He fell silent for a while, as if remembering the pain the past brought. "Since crops were destroyed in both front walls along with pretty much everything, we couldn't retrieve any, it became crowded in wall Sina, food was scarce so not everyone could be fed there was just too many people, it became chaos."

I blinked, trying to picture it in my mind's eye. It was a lot to bear, and it made me think about how Levi lived in his own past life. Was he starving? The thought made my heart churn.

"So...but it doesn't look that crowded now...what happened?" I asked, eyes downcast in sorrow for the poor who lived without eating in those dark days.

Armin answered my question. "They had to send men among the survivors to take back wall Rose, my grandpa was among them...they weren't experienced of course so they got eaten, their deaths made it easier for the rest of us to eat though...maybe that was the kings plan all along."

The world before her eyes / Naruto and Aot crossover / Sakura HarunoWhere stories live. Discover now