It's All My Fault..........!

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*12:00 A.M.*

*Terra, Lori, Soren, and the Titans were in the lobby, waiting to hear the news of Luan's condition. Suddenly, Kitten, real name Kathryn, came in. She had a guilty expression on her face and she was trembling. She also had tears in her eyes.*

Kathryn: Any word on Luan's condition yet?

Raven:*sad* No........! Not yet........!

Kathryn: What have we done..........?!

Terra: Kathryn...... what are you talking about?!

Kathryn: I had the same nightmare Luan had.

Raven: Was it where you found Luan dead in Terra's grave?!

*Everyone was shocked and heartbroken when they heard it.*

Starfire: What........?!

Lori: What do you mean you found Luan dead in Terra's grave?!

Raven: I had the same nightmare too..........!

Robin: What happened?!

Kathryn: I went to the cemetery to vandalize Terra's grave, and when I got there, the lock was already broken and I thought Frank had already beat me to the grave, but when I reached the grave, he wasn't there...... but there was a hole where Terra's grave was. When I went up to it, I saw Luan in Terra's casket. That's when I dropped the spray can of paint. I jumped into the hole and she wasn't moving.........! She was in the same condition as what Raven described. That's when I screamed for help.

Kathryn: "HELP!!!!!!! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!"

Raven: I know....... I heard you screaming too. I ran into the cemetery and saw you pulling Luan out of the hole. I dialed 9-1-1 and when we got to the hospital...... Carol said there was nothing they could do........!

Kathryn: And it's all my fault! I never should've goaded Raven into this mess.........!

Raven: No...... it's my fault........! If I had just helped Terra, none of this would've happened.........!

Terra: Girls, don't blame yourselves, okay?! We need to focus on Luan and hope she wakes up soon.

Cyborg: Terra's right, Rae! It's what Luan would want us to do.

Kathryn: Still...... will she forgive me?!

Starfire: She will, Kitten! She will! It may not be right away, but just give it time.

Kathryn: I understand, Starfire.

*Then, Carol walked in.*

Carol: Guys, it was a close call. However, her tumor has worsened to a seizure, but she's stable right now. She should be waking up soon, but I think it's best to keep her blood pressure down.

Beast Boy: Thank God.........!

Soren: Can we go see her?

Carol: Sure!

*She took them to Luan's room. When they got there, Kathryn and Terra were the first ones in there. Kathryn gripped Luan's hand and sobbed.*

Kathryn: I'm so sorry, Luan!

*Terra put her hand on Kathryn's shoulder. And comforted her.*

Note: Next chapter will be where Luan wakes up.

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