Luan's Panic Attacks Are Back!

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*The next morning, Luan had woken up, but she didn't see Terra. I'm sorry to say that she was beginning to have another panic attack. She started hyperventilating when Kathryn ran out of the bathroom.*

Kathryn: LUAN?!?!?!?!?!

Luan:*angrily crying* WHERE'S TERRA?!?!??!!?!?

Kathryn: Luan, please calm down..........!

Luan: NO!!!!!!!! I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO TERRA?!?!?!?!?!!?!? DID YOU MURDER HER?!??!!?!?!?!? I'LL BET THAT'S WHY YOU REALLY CAME ALONG, ISN'T IT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! YOU WANTED TO KILL HER!!!!!!!!!!!

Kathryn: Luan...... I would never do that to Terra..........!

Luan: LIAR!!!!!!!!!!

Kathryn: Luan, it's the truth.........! You have to believe me!

Luan: OR WHAT?!?!?!?!?! ARE YOU GOING TO MURDER ME TOO?!?!?!?!?!?!

Kathryn: No! I would never do that to you!

*Just then, the door opened. It was Terra, who had brought up breakfast. Luan ran up to Terra and hugged her really tight and sobbed. And yes, she's slowly getting better. Her feet were still hurting, but not as much as these last few days.*

Luan: OH, TERRA!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terra: Oh no...........! Luan, sweetie, you didn't have another nightmare, did you?!

Luan: The mausoleum....... your body fluid leaking..........!

*Kathryn and Terra had pieced it all together.*

Kathryn: Is this why you accused me of murdering Terra..........?!

Terra: Wait....... she what?!

Luan: I'm sorry..........!

Kathryn: No, Luan, I understand! You don't have to apologize to me for what I did!

*Then, Terra knew what Luan meant by mausoleum.*

Terra: Luan........ did you go into the mausoleum?!

Luan: Yes........ I....... I did.........!

*Terra let out a sad sigh.*

Terra: Okay, Luan, maybe I should've told you that the mausoleum is off limits, which is what I'm telling you right now! Stay out of the mausoleum from now on! Because what if those caskets were sticking out and were open?!

Luan: I'd rather not answer that...........!

Terra: Exactly, Luan! Because if they were, then you will see something that will upset you! Especially where the fluid is coming from!

Luan: I understand............!

Terra: That's my girl! Come on, let's get some breakfast and get you ready to go on a drive.

*After breakfast, Terra and Kathryn had helped Luan get ready. They also checked her blood pressure.*

*Back in California, Raven was still worried about Luan. She didn't feel like meditating, which she normally does, which shocked everyone.*

Starfire: Friend Raven, are you alright?!

Raven: No, Starfire, not really...........! I still feel like this is my fault!

Robin: We're all to blame for this, Raven.  Except for Lori, Carol, Soren, Lincoln, Lily, Ronnie Anne Hilda and Johanna.

Beast Boy: And if it makes you feel any better, maybe if I hadn't told Terra that she didn't have any friends without knowing how fragile Luan was, maybe things would've been different! I promised her we'd still be friends no matter what, and I broke that promise! I should've taken her back to the tower to hide her from Slade, but...........!

Raven: But you weren't underground when Slade tried to sink our tower!

Starfire: What do you mean?!

Raven: I told her she didn't deserve our trust and that she had to trust me and........! Oh my God! What have I done?!

Cyborg: Raven, don't say that! You were just afraid of what was going to happen!

Raven: But I was deeply hurt when she worked for Slade and......... told her that she treated us like dirt........ which she never really did! *angrily crying* AND IT'S ALL SLADE'S FAULT!!!!!!!!!! LUAN WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! SLADE TOOK TERRA AWAY FROM US!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I was so blind by my anger that I didn't realize Luan was so fragile..........!

Starfire: None of us knew she was, Raven!

Lori: Guys, stop blaming yourselves! Especially you, Raven! I promised Luan I would never let anything happen to Terra and I kept my promise! And I think you should all do the same. This has been a learning experience for all of us here!

Soren: She's right! And we need to let go of the past and move on!

*The Titans agreed, especially Raven. She bowed her head and prayed to God.*

Note: Next chapter will be where Terra and Kathryn go out for a drive, but unfortunately, Luan vomits.

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