Goodbye May Seem Forever

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I don't own this song at all! It actually belongs to Jeannette Nolan. This video belongs to Micah Lee.

⚠️TEAR JERKER ALERT!!!!!!!!!⚠️

This chapter will be very sad! Don't say I didn't warn you!

*Later that night, Luan had packed up her suitcase and took Terra's credit card. She was crying.*

Luan: Goodbye, Momma Terra...........!

*She walked out the door and into the elevator. And yes, her legs were better, but she was still a little bit pale and had purplish fingers and toes and her veins were still showing a bit. When the elevator reached the lobby, she made her way to the door and soon, she was far away from the hotel. She then began crying and sang.*

Luan:*sings in her thoughts* We met, it seems, such a short time ago
You looked at me, needing me so
Yet from your sadness
Our happiness grew

And I found out I needed you too
I remember how we used to play
I recall those rainy days
The fire's glow
That kept us warm

And now I find, we're both alone
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart is a memory
And there you'll always be

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart is a memory
And there you'll always be

*She continued walking down that road while having flashbacks to when she first met Terra.*


Terra: Luan, you're so cute!

*Luan was really shy, so she hid behind Starfire and Raven.*

Starfire: Luan, sweetie, it's okay! This is Terra!

Raven: Sorry about that, Terra! She's a little shy!

Starfire: Like when she first met Kathryn, AKA, Kitten, at yacht prom.

Terra:*giggles* She sure is! *to Luan* It's okay, Luan! I won't hurt you! I promised Lori I'd protect you!

Luan: You..... you know my sister...... Lori?!

*Terra nodded as Luan walked up to her. For the first time, she felt like she could trust her.*

*Flashbacks end*

Chorus: Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart is a memory
And there you'll always be..........!

*Little did Luan know that Terra would be waking up soon.*

*At the hotel, Terra had woken up when she spotted an empty bed. She got really scared and ran up to the bed. Luan wasn't there.*

Terra: LUAN?!?!?!?!?! Oh my God.........! *tears up* No..........!

*Suddenly, she spotted a note.*

"Dear Terra and Kathryn,
             By the time you read this, I will be on an airplane, flying home. Once I get there, I will be packing up the rest of my belongings and leaving the state of California. Don't worry, Terra, because you won't have to deal with me letting you down too. Like I've let Lori down when she almost drowned in her jail cell! I thought I had moved on, but it's still haunting me! Goodbye, Terra!
              Sincerely, your former daughter/sister/friend, Luan Markov Loud.

             P.S., I took your card.........!"

*After reading it, Terra sobbed when Kathryn woke up.*

Kathryn:*worried* Terra........?! Where's Luan?!

*That's when Terra handed her the note. Kathryn felt her heart shattering.*

Kathryn:*crying* No........! WE HAVE TO STOP HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll call Frank!

*She and Terra rushed out to the elevator, went down and took the car.*

*Meanwhile, Luan was at a bus stop, talking to Lori on the phone.*

Lori: Luan, no! You can't run away from your problems again! You deliberately disobeyed us! Do you have any idea how worried Terra will be?! Very!

Luan: Lori...... I'm sorry, but...... I can't do this anymore! I'm letting the people that loved me down again! I don't want to do that anymore! I'm done! I can't keep doing this! 😫

Lori: Luan, I understand you're upset, but you need to go back to Terra! Remember, I promised you that I wouldn't let anyone hurt Terra ever again! And I still kept that promise!

*Just then, Lincoln teleported.*

Luan: I gotta go........!

*She hung up*

Luan: Don't try to stop me, Lincoln! I've made up my mind!

Lincoln: Luan, Terra was very heartbroken when she read your note.

*Luan slowly felt her heart shattering when Lincoln told her.*

Luan: What.........?!

Lincoln: She was, Luan! I told her where you were! Now, she sounded a little bit mad, but.........!

Luan: What's have I done........?!

*Then, a familiar Chevrolet Monte Carlo pulled up. Terra and Kathryn rushed out to Luan.*


*Luan then broke down crying. Terra then calmed down.*

Terra: Oh, Luan, come here! *She hugged her.* I'm not mad at you! I was just scared, that's all!

Luan:*sobbing* I'm so sorry.......! I'm so sorry.........! I'm so sorry..........! I'm so sorry...........! I'm so sorry.............!

Terra:*shushes her* It's okay.........! We were just worried sick, that's all! *sigh* Luan, normally, I'd ground you, but I think you've been punished enough! Besides, you've already been through too much! *Luan slowly fell asleep in Terra's arms.* Come on, Luan! Let's get back to the hotel.

*She and Kathryn put Luan and her suitcase in the car and Terra drove back to the hotel. When they got back, Terra carried Luan to the elevator while Kathryn took Luan's suitcase. They went up and went to their room. They tucked Luan in and Terra gave Luan a goodnight kiss on the forehead and turned off the lights.*

Note: Next chapter will be a surprise visit from Brittney.

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