Luan's Dizziness

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*Later, Terra and Kathryn took Luan to the car. They got in and Terra drove away from the hotel. Luan wasn't feeling good at all. The thought of Terra's body fluid leaking out of the mausoleum began to make her sick.*

Terra: Luan, sweetie, are you okay?!

Luan: No........! I'm not okay..........! Terra........ what was that fluid leaking out of your........ casket.......?! In the mausoleum........?!

Terra: You don't want to know, Luan! Trust me! I don't want you to think about it!

Luan: Even when I heard it on the news that there was body fluid leaking from the........?!

Terra: Yes, Luan!

*Unfortunately, Luan started feeling lightheaded and her stomach was turning. She felt like she was going to throw up.*

Luan: Terra....... pull over.........!

Kathryn: Oh no.........!

*Terra immediately pulled over and she and Kathryn helped Luan out of the car right to the trash can. Luan threw up in the bin and cried. When she was done, Terra wiped her mouth off before helping her to the car. Suddenly, Lincoln and Hilda showed up.*

Lincoln: Is Luan okay?!

Terra: Not really, Lincoln. She threw up in the bin.

Hilda: What happened?!

Terra: Luan had another nightmare. I was entombed in a mausoleum and she said that my casket leaked fluid.

Lincoln: Oh my God.............!

Terra: I'm sorry, Lincoln, but it scared her. Which was why she went off at Kathryn.

Hilda: That's terrible!

Kathryn: It's not her fault, though! Besides, I deserved it. 😪 I should've known that Luan was so fragile! Which is why Luan said she's making a choice.

Lincoln: What choice is that?!

Kathryn: Whether or not she wants to go to Murakami High School next year. I mean if she doesn't, I don't blame her! We goaded Raven into treating Terra like garbage and..........!

Terra: Kathryn, you didn't know! But listen, when Luan makes her decision, you'll know. Even if she doesn't, maybe she can go to the high school just down the road and I can always drop her off and pick her up afterwards. Besides, I've heard good things about that high school and I think it would be a great school anyway. She won't even have to wear those school uniforms anyways.

Kathryn: Well....... when you put it that way, it does look like a nice school. But it's up to Luan. Look at the hallways there too. They have lockers and well..... Murakami doesn't have that. Anyway, the point is all I want is for Luan to be happy.

Terra: We all do, Kathy! We all do!

*Kathryn smiled.*

Kathryn: Anyway, what brings you here, Lincoln?

Lincoln: Me, Hilda and Ronnie Anne are spending a weekend here. We're staying in the same hotel you girls are staying at. Our room is next door to yours. Plus, it'll give us a chance to check up on Luan as well.

Terra: That's so sweet, Lincoln! Anyway, do you want us to give you a ride back to the hotel?

Lincoln: No thanks! I can teleport back. I'll meet you girls there!

Terra: Same here, Lincoln!

*As Lincoln and Hilda teleported back to the hotel, Terra and Kathryn got in the car and Terra drove away. Luan just sat in the back seat, watching cars go by.*

Note: Next chapter will be where Luan runs away.

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