Stop For Gasoline

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*7:00 A.M.*

*Terra had to stop for gas at the Shell station on 941 California Street in Redlands, California. As she was pumping gad into her car, she was still worried about Luan. Ever since Luan had that nightmare where Terra died, she hadn't been feeling like herself. That image of digging Terra's grave was haunting her. As soon as Terra finished pumping gas, she went into the store and bought Pop Tarts for Luan to snack on when she wakes up. When she got back into the car, Luan slowly opened her eyes.*

Luan: Terra.......? Kathryn........?

Terra: Good morning, Luan!

Kathryn: How did you sleep, kiddo?

Luan: Okay.........! Still sore in my arms and legs and........!

Terra: It'll go away soon, Luan. Trust me! *hands her Pop Tarts* Here, I bought a snack for you.

Luan: Thanks..........!

*She ate her snacks as Lincoln teleported into the car.*

Lincoln: Hey, girls! Before you ask, I brought Luan's old Yogi Bear plush.

*He left it right next to Luan.*

Luan: Thanks, Linc..........!

Lincoln: Anytime, Luan! But please be careful! You never know if there might be an accident out there!

Terra: Don't worry, Lincoln! We'll be careful! Besides, the last thing I want is for Luan to get scared again. You should've seen the way she was crying that night. She was even more traumatized than the last nightmare she had. Poor girl! Not like I could blame her.

Lincoln: I know! Lori told me the same thing. It's bad enough to almost lose your sister, and now a friend, who's going to become your guardian?! What else could be worse?!

Kathryn: Well, let's not jinx it, Lincoln! Okay? No offense, but I just don't want to think about it!

Lincoln: I understand, Kathryn! Anyway, I better get back to Trolberg. I'll see you soon, okay?

Terra: You too, Lincoln! Bye!

Lincoln: Bye!

*He teleported back to Trolberg before Terra started the car and drove off and got back on the highway. And don't worry, she's wearing a seat belt.*

Note: Next chapter will be where they stop for the night. After that chapter, I'm going to do the near accident chapter.

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