Return to California

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*A few days later, it was now time to go back to California. They checked out of the hotel and they got on the road. Yes, they ate breakfast. It took them a few days to get back to California. When they got there, they cleaned the car and made their way back to the tower. Lincoln teleported himself and his girlfriends to Michigan after he had remained his powers. Apparently, he lost them to Chandler, who was a part of Rita and Bobby's involvement in the murder of Albert Jamison, who is Luan, Lori, and Lincoln's grandfather. When Terra, Kathryn and Luan got back to the tower, Terra parked the car in the garage and they went into the tower. When they got to the living room, the lights came on.*

Everyone: SURPRISE!!!!!!!!! WELCOME HOME, LUAN!!!!!!!!!

I don't own this song at all! It belongs to Joy Williams. The video belongs to Itzel Castle on YouTube.  ⚠️ WARNING!!!!!!!⚠️ What you're about to read will be sad.

Luan: What's going on..........?!

Lori: It was Terra and Kathryn's idea, Luan! We wanted to welcome you home. All your friends from Jump City Junior High School are here, and so are Terra's friends from Murakami High School!

Jennifer: Luan, we're so sorry for what we did to Terra in your nightmare!

Frank: And what we did to her in real life! We never realized how fragile you were!

Amber: We were supposed to be Terra's best friends, but we betrayed her! 😔

Dionne: Yeah, girl! You were right to call us murderers in the nightmare we had! This is why we had to postpone the prom until you got back!

*They all group hugged Luan, who then started to tear up. What she was about to say was going to shock them.*

Luan: I........I'm...... *cries* I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!

*Everyone was shocked and had tears in their eyes.*

Kathryn: What.........?!

Luan: I'm so sorry for what I said to all in my nightmare! I was just upset because of Terra's death and............!

Jasmine: Luan, we're the ones who should be sorry! We were just scared of her and we didn't realize that she was manipulated by Slade! That's what Raven told us! We weren't just monsters! We were murderers!

Luan: But..........!

Ginger: But nothing, Luan! When we found out that you dug Terra's grave and died in it, we felt so much guilt! We even buried you next to Terra, but only this time, we planned a better funeral. We all took back what we said to Terra and said good things about you and her.

*flashback to nightmare funeral*

Kathryn:*crying* I take back everything I said about Terra being the monster! Raven was right! We were the monsters! Terra was a great friend and a great mother/sister to Luan. Luan, you were funny! You made us all laugh to lighten our mood! At least you're in heaven with Terra. May you both rest in peace. Amen!

Everyone*including Lori*: Amen!

*They lowered Luan's casket into the ground while they had carved into Terra's statue like headstone 🪦 and carved Luan's face into it. At the bottom, it said "Luan Markov Loud January 5, 2002 - May 22, 2017. God is waiting for you in heaven and so is Terra."*

*end of flashback*

Luan:*still crying* You guys did this...... for me and...... Terra........?!

Lori: It was Starfire and Raven's idea, Luan!

Starfire: Actually, it was mostly Raven's idea.

Raven: I wanted to fix my mistakes, so I started by giving up on dark stuff, just like I'm doing right now, and now, I'm an immortal goddess!

Terra: That would explain the white cloak! *to Luan* Have you made a decision, Luan?

Luan: Actually........ I already have.........!

*They all listened.*

Luan: I want to start 9th grade at Murakami!

Kimberly: Really.........?!

*Luan nodded and everyone cheered. Even the teachers and principal cheered.*

Cyborg: THAT'S MY NIECE!!!!!!!!!

Ronin: Luan is growing up!

Soren: THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!

Starfire: CONGRATULATIONS, LUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

*After the party, Terra carried Luan to bed. She tucked her in and gave her a goodnight kiss on the forehead.*

Terra: Goodnight, Luan!

*She turned off the lights and climbed into bed next to Luan.*

Note: Next chapter will be the funeral.

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