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I don't own this song at all! It belongs to Howie Day! The video belongs to Howie Day Topic on YouTube.

*Megara was on her way to the hospital after picking Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, Hilda and Johanna up at the airport. Raven had called them and told them that Luan was having a seizure, which really broke Lincoln's heart.*

Megara: I'm sorry you had to cut your double date short, Lincoln.

Lincoln: That's okay, Megara. Luan is more important than that.

Ronnie Anne: I hope she wakes up soon.........!

Hilda: Me too, Ronnie Anne! Me too!

*Megara then pulled her van into the parking lot of the hospital and they went into the building. They went to the floor Carol was working on and asked if they could see Luan and she said yes and showed them where Luan's room was. When they got to the room, they saw Soren, who was holding Luan's hand, which was cold. Terra, Lori, and the Titans were all there. So was Kathryn.*

Soren:*crying* Luan....... I just want you to know that I love you and I don't want to lose you..........! Please wake up.........! Please..........!

*Then, he began singing.*


The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometime
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide

I'm quiet you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide

Don't stop here
I lost my place
I'm close behind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find
You and I collide

Finally find
You and I collide
(Do do do do)
(Do do do do)
You finally find
You and I collide

*As he sang, he had tears in his eyes. Everyone else did, especially Kathryn, who had sobbed more than anyone else. By the time he had finished singing, he felt Luan grab his hand.*

Soren: Luan...........?!

Kathryn: I can't believe it.........! 😢 She's........ she's moving........!

Terra: Luan, sweetie, we need you to hear the sound of our voices.

*Luan slowly opened her eyes and saw Ronnie Anne, Lori, Lincoln, Carol, Terra, Kathryn, Frank, Soren, Hilda, Megara, Johanna and the Titans.*

Luan: Soren......?! Terra.........?! Kathryn.......?! Lori........?! Raven........?!

Raven: Oh, Luan, thank God you're okay!

Megara: We were worried about you, Luan!

*Luan now realized that she was in the hospital. She even began crying.*

Terra: Luan, sweetie, what's wrong?!

Luan: I had another nightmare where I was in heaven with you, Terra. And you were disappointed in me! And it's all because I TURNED MY BACK ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THEN HE CAME IN AND TOLD ME THAT YOU HATED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terra: Luan...... what are you........?!

*Then, Raven interrupted.*

Raven: Oh no...........!

Kathryn: What's wrong?!

Raven: Slade's spirit got into her head........!

*Everyone was shocked and silent when she said that. Even Terra and Kathryn couldn't believe it.*

Terra: Luan........ did Slade convince you that I blamed you for what happened at prom?!

Luan: He did..........!

Johanna: Oh my God.........!

Cyborg: Luan, Terra would never hate you for any reason.

Terra: Cyborg's right, Luan! Besides, you shouldn't listen to Slade. I don't want you to make the same mistake I did. Trust me, Luan. He got into my head before he convinced me to betray my friends.

Raven: He got to me too, Terra!

Terra: What.........?! But I destroyed him.........! Oh no.........! Your father..........!

Raven: I'm sorry, Terra! I should've told you, but........!

Terra: It's okay, Raven. I understand! *to Luan* Luan, the point is that I would never hate you.

Lori: I promise I won't let anyone hurt Terra ever again.

Kathryn: And I promise never to hurt her as well, Luan. I'm sorry I didn't realize you were so fragile.

Luan: I'm sorry too, Kathryn! I should've known that you were all manipulated by Slade. Terra's real mother is dead and......... she would never stab a knife into Terra's back.......!

Terra: Like I've said before, Luan, it was just a nightmare. It's over now.

Starfire: The important thing is that you're safe and that is all that matters.

*They all group hugged Luan, who returned the hug as well.*

Note: Next chapter will be where Terra takes Luan home.

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