Luan VS Slade

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*The next morning, Terra had finished making breakfast when Luan walked into the kitchen.*

Terra: Good morning, sunshine! How did you sleep?!

Luan: Good.........!

Terra: How's that dream catcher that Kathryn gave you, Luan?

Luan: Well..... I didn't have another nightmare, so that's good! Is Kathryn coming over?

Terra: She is, Luan! She should be here about........ now!

Beast Boy: GUYS!!!!!!!! She's here!

*Luan then went downstairs to the door when Kathryn rushed in.*

Kathryn: SLADE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!! AND HE'S GOT LINCOLN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luan:*angry* WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Kathryn: So did Rita, Bobby and Slash!

*Luan ran back upstairs to the kitchen, finished her breakfast and angrily went out the door.*

Terra: Luan, wait!

*Luan stopped and turned around.*

Terra: I'll drive you to where Slade and his gang are! Because I don't want you to get lost in the city!

Luan: But Momma Terra..........!

Terra: I know, Luan! But please let me drive you down there! I think I know where they are!

Luan: Where.........?!

Terra: Slade's old lair! Where I sacrificed myself and.........!

*This made Luan angry.*

Luan: Let's go............!

*Suddenly, Soren, Lori, Carol, Kathryn, and the Titans ran out.*

Raven: Let us help you too, Luan!

Starfire: We just want to make amends with you and Terra.

Cyborg: We won't turn our backs on her anymore, Luan!

Robin: We've already apologized to her while you were in the hospital!

Beast Boy: And if I ever break my promise to Terra again, I'll slap myself in the face really hard!

Luan: Okay..........! TITANS, GO!!!!!!!!!

*Everyone jumped into their cars and drove away. Terra floored it and the cops gave them a police escort. When they got to Slade's lair, Luan angrily got out and ran in there with a gun.*

Luan: SLADE, YOU COWARDLY SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET HIM GO!!!!!!!!!!

Lincoln: NO, LUAN!!!!!!!! IT'S A TRAP!!!!!!!!!!!

Luan: What........?!

*Then, Slash appears.*

Slash: Well, look who we have here, father! A trespasser!

Slade: You wanna know what I do to trespassers, child?!

*Slade grabbed Luan, but as he was about to drop Luan into the lava, Luan bit him.*

Slade: OW!!!!!!!!!

*She also headbutt him, causing him to release Luan, but unfortunately, Lincoln heard Luan scream. Luan was hanging on for her life.*

Luan: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

Terra: LUAN!!!!!!!!!!!

*Terra summoned rocks just in time as Luan slipped from the rock. Terra caught Luan before she fell into the lava. When Luan got back onto the ground.........*

Luan:*to Slade* Big mistake, buster!

Slash: You're a big mistake!

Luan: I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!

*She punched Slash in the eye, then punched Slade. Slade then beat up Luan. She knocked him to the ground as the Titans were fighting Slash.*

Slash: That sister of yours, Lincoln, is a b****! She is a coward just like you........!

Lincoln: How...... DARE YOU?!??!?!?!?!?!

I don't own the music! Belongs to Dominik Scherrer. The video belongs to DominikScherrerTopic on YouTube.

*Slash then turned into a werehyena and Lincoln turned into a werewolf and broke from the ropes. Slash ferociously attack Lincoln and they went at each other with claws and teeth. He was about to finish him off, when Lincoln struck back. After the others knocked out Charlotte, Rita, Bobby, Slade's goons, they turned around and saw Lincoln transform into a werewolf. He attacked Slash and killed him. They fought him until Hilda teleported into the lair. Luan was fighting Slade as well.*

Luan: You........ are........ the worst human being to ever walk the face of the earth! I wish....... you....... never...... even....... EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!

*Luan then took out her gun and shot Slade with it, killing him again. Meanwhile, Hilda, Soren, Lori, Carol, Terra, and the rest of the Titans were still fighting Lincoln, when Ronnie Anne teleported.*

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, it's us!

Hilda: Please listen to me! We won!

Kathryn: Lincoln, remember when you saved me from my former father, Killer Moth?!

Terra: And how you helped me find Luan?!

*His memories came back and he turned back into a human.*

Lincoln: What happened...........?!

Hilda: You went crazy when Slash talked smack about your sister and you turned into a werewolf!

*Suddenly, the cops arrived and arrested the remaining villains. Luan walked up to Lincoln.*

Luan: Thanks for standing up for me, Lincoln!

Lincoln: Thank you for saving me! And the others too!

*Luan smiled and hugged her brother.*

Note: I will do a finale chapter, where Luan starts 9th grade at Murakami High School. Murakami will also change their dress code to not having to wear those School uniforms.

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