Eret x TALL! MALE! Reader

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A/n : you is 7 feet in here. you have two cats, one girl and one boy

FLUFF : (◕ᴗ◕✿) & LIME : (ΦωΦ)

3rd POV

(M/n) was just thinking about life. Yes, life. He thought how life didn't matter at all. I'm just shittin' with y'all. He's just laying around, being himself which is being lazy as always. Eret was streaming like usually is. (M/n) was just playing with his cat which was a tonkinese cat . Snow is just what (M/n) calls the cat and she was purring on his lap.

 Snow is just what (M/n) calls the cat and she was purring on his lap

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Meanwhile another cat of his which was a bombay cat . The black cat was just staring from afar as he watched his owner petting Snow. Paarl wiggled his tail as his black iris gotten bigger and all of you who have cats, know what's gonna happen next. (M/n) was about to fall asleep because of the purring until he heard the sounds of meowing.

 (M/n) was about to fall asleep because of the purring until he heard the sounds of meowing

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Of course it wasn't Snow since she was still asleep and it could only mean one thing. It had to be...Paarl. (M/n) picked up Snow from his lap and carried her in his arms.

"Meow?" Snow meowed quietly as she look up to her owner. "Well, Snow. Now we have to run to Eret's room because this is not gonna end well if I stay here." "Meow??" (M/n) slowly stand up as he took a deep breath. His left leg went forward and that's when Paarl decided to attack.

"MEOWWW!!!" "NOOOOOOO! PAARL, NO! STAWP! NOT THE LEGS! AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" (M/n) ran around the house while his black cat is trying to bite his long legs. Snow was put aside by (M/n) so that she won't have to handle the every day war. "PAARL, YOU CAN BITE ANYTHING BUT NOT MY LEGS AND FACE-WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM MEEE?!!!"

(M/n) ran up stairs to go to Eret's room. "What the hell is going on with you??" Ela (my beloved✨) popped her head out of her room. "CAN'T EXPLAIN! GOTTA GO TO ERET! AAAAAAH! THAT HURTS, YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!"





MCYT x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now