20. Lessons Learned

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Rays of light emitted from the setting sun shone through the marble pillars of Beacon's garden. The sounds of running water from the lion headed fountains hitting the pool below them gave off a sense of peace and tranquility. And the chirps of birds that were singing their evening songs could be heard above and around them, coinciding with the others in a natural harmony.

Winter took a sip of her tea, placing it on the table after she finished analyzing its taste. The tea was made from the leaves that she never thought would taste so pleasant in her mouth before. It widened her eyes a little just by its sheer aroma, even before she had the chance to taste it for herself.

She took some mental notes to try and find these leaves for her to brew on her own between missions. She had to thank whoever this Ram figure was for inventing this kind of gods-given scent and taste.

If she were to meet her in person though, she would guess that Ram was going to be quite the gentle and fair maiden. But from what her little sister had described, taken from the words of Subaru, Ram was quite the opposite of what she had thought.

She was the type of person that would not leave any chances to verbally abuse the people around her, though deep within her cold heart, she does care for her comrades. A case of the term 'tsundere' put into the extremes, if the words of that nasty-eyed man were to be used.

She's also known to be a lazy and cruel maid. But from what her sister had told her, the former feature of her character could be justified because of her severe physical condition hindering her work. Winter pitied her after knowing that information.

"You're...leaving?" Said Weiss.

Her sister's sudden intrusion of her train of thought caught Winter off guard. However, Winter remains focused. "Yes, I was merely needed to oversee the transport of additional units to Vale." She stated, "Further details are classified, but our last shipment was lost to an ambush, allegedly by the White Fang. They failed to bring the entire convoy down, but the cargo was severely damaged. It was a fortune that those Atlesian Paladins were only on their prototype stage."

Weiss dropped her gaze downwards, a bit saddened as she gave off an inaudible sigh. She was a bit disappointed that her sister was leaving so soon. Afterall, it had been a long time since their last reunion with each other.

Winter gave her a small smile, placing her right hand onto her's to comfort her droopy little sister. "Weiss...you've done...well. Out here, on your own." Winter proceeded to back off, "You should be proud."

Weiss managed to cheer up a little after she heard those words from her sister. Although she was a bit shocked at her sister's sudden words of encouragement when she heard it.

"I'll be quite honest with you, it was amusing to see Father's face the day you left for Beacon." Winter said again, with a small smirk, entertaining herself at said memory.

"I can't wait to show him what I've learned!" Weiss replied, crossing her arms and puffing up her chest with pride.

Winter raised her eyebrow as she smiled, her hands clasped on the table as she questioned her sister further. "Oh? Then what do you think you've learned?"

"What do you mean? I'm getting better and better with my glyphs, I even started time dilation!" Weiss answered as she untangled her arms and placed them onto the table.

Winter's gaze sharpened, "What about your summoning?"

"I...you know I can't..."

Winter unclasped her hands with a questioning eyebrow raised at her, "Every Schnee has the ability to summon." She said before giving off a small smile, "We always have for generations."

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