24. Beginning of The End

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The girl's sense of purpose waned, His presence ever dominating.

Scarlet's eyes dilated to a single point in a heartbeat; It was a nightmare in the flesh, the death of an innocent girl happening right before her eyes. Pyrrha lay dead on the arena floor, and it felt like hours had passed since the spear struck her neck. 

The War Goddess' mouth hung open due to the disbelief she was experiencing, something that reminded her of the most likely culprit behind this tragedy.


That was the only word she could utter. During her time as Hyena, he had said something about his role in this - that if the false Maiden's plans failed, he would replace her as the catalyst. It got her blood pumping back then, when she was still a brainwashed lunatic. Now, it only brought with it a sickening dread in her stomach. This could only mean one thing, and one thing only. The beginning of the end, and the end of the beginning was nigh.


The entire arena could feel the tense air around them as a mass of negative emotions loomed over them like dark clouds on a rainy day. The sight caused everyone to cease their cheers, and lament over the sudden action that the girl had taken. But then…

"Honestly, I expected better from you, but it seems my expectations were too high for all of you."

As the screens and lights in the arena all shut down one by one, a voice firmly stated - one that belonged to a male, someone that Scarlet would be familiar with all too well. His voice managed to halt all everything happening inside the entire colosseum, forcing even the emergency responders to stop their advance to recover the now-lifeless body of the once-thought Invincible Pyrrha Nikos of Beacon Academy.

Ruby could only question what was going on, but it was nigh impossible to get a clear answer from anyone around her.

"W-what's going on?" She barely stuttered out, looking for the source of the incoming voice.

However, this was to no avail as the voice came from the speakers all around them, making the true origin of the sound impossible to discern. The rest of her team, as well as the remaining members of team JNPR and Meili and Shaula, stayed silent. The man's sheer aura from that sentence alone froze them in place in a state of utter grief and disbelief, forcing them all to listen against their will. In a twisted way, the voice demanded respect, and they could do nothing else but oblige.

The giant screens of the arena flared up to life once again, now showing a man of grey, almost-platinum coloured hair and green eyes staring down at all of them with a pitiful gaze akin to how humans might look at an ant or bacteria. To the more eagle-eyed spectators, however, this broadcast was not just limited to the Arena itself but all throughout Remnant, to those that were watching the finale of the Vytal Festival unfolding.

"To mourn and grieve over the death of a single individual, do you not realise just how futile it is? Do you not see how little it matters for you to act in unison and cry over the loss of a loved one? You will only bring negativity to this world, that will not even amount to any long term change to begin with."

The broken down War Goddess, who wept and was silently crying during this hellish occurrence, would subsequently obey those words and look above her while wiping the tears from her eyes. The entire arena seemed to have acknowledged his words and acted upon it. He continued:

"But if that is what you wish, then I will not intrude. Such a pathetic display of sorrow is beneath me. She does not matter, all of you do not matter. Almost all of you are insignificant in the eyes of the world; only a rare few that stand in this vain place are truly worthy. Your Academies, symbols of security and peace, are all worthless. Here I am, intruding on your coveted festival of peace held with a military presence just outside this arena, and yet your so-called ‘Academies’ couldn’t stop me."

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