Explosion That Shook The World

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Knocking out the tribute was the easy part. Carrying all of the supplies was the hard part. The boy didn't even notice us until it was to late and Nathan's fist hit him face first.
"Should we kill him?" asked Metallia as she stared at the unconcious boy.
"There isn't any time!" I hissed.
It wasn't a lie, we only had so much time before Jake and his friends caught Tyler, and, well...
We all began scrambling for supplies. I picked up as many backpacks as I could possible carry, while Quain began searching for the smaller things he could carry. He picked up a sack filled with fruit, and a backpack. Metallia and Sparks grabbed as many weapons they could find. I saw a crazy grin wash over Metallia when she found the javelins.

As I grabbed the supplies, I noticed we weren't the only ones that found explosives. There were some scattered around inside the pile. All sorts of them too. Some I didn't even understand how they could possible work, but I knew that they were tiny bombs, because they all said EXPLOSIVE on them somewhere. I tried to think of the reason on why the Gamemakers wanted to be pyro-maniacs this year.

We were soon stuffed with enough supplies, that if we carried anymore, we would probably be unable to fight. Sparks looked up from his work of managing to carry ten backpacks on his body. Out of all the things I've seen him do, that was probably the one that impressed me the most.

"What do we do with the supplies we're not taking? We just can't leave them with good ol' Jake," he sneered.

Nathan looked at him as if he were surprised it wasn't obvious, "Have you seen all of the explosives? We're going to blow it up."

"All right, wise guy. Do you even know how to work some of these?" Sparks retorted.
Nathan shrugged.

Quain held up one of them that was round and tied to a box, "This one is remote controlled. We can just spy on them from a safe distance, and when they come back from chasing Tyler, and surround the what-used-to-be-a-giant-pile confused, we can just blow them up."

We all stared at him in shock and disbelief.
"What!" asked Quain as he started to get uncomfortable with us staring at him.
Metallia was the first one to speak, "Quain, how do you even know this explosive is remote controlled?"

"We use them in District Seven. Sometimes a tree is too thick, and we'll use these to blow it off its root, then haul off the lumber," he answered.

Sparks grinned, "I like that idea. Why not?"

Everyone was in agreement. I just gave a murmur of consent. Nathan slapped a hand on my shoulder, "Once these guys are out of the way, we can just go to the water dam and rest there until we don't need to anymore."
I nodded, but I knew what he meant when he said, "until we don't need to anymore." We would stay there until it was time to kill each other.

A canon sounded through the air, and I knew that either Tyler was dead, or it was just a coincidence that someone died during the "Tyler chase".

We quickly hiked up to a hill and hid behind an abandoned dumpster. We all kept watch on the pile and guard of the pile, while Sparks watched our backs in case of ambush. Quain held the remote tightly and eyed the bomb placed under the now small pile. He had insisted on doing it, since it was his idea and he might as well do it. For a moment, I thought I saw a gleam in his eyes, but I thought to have imagined it, because his face was now serious.

Finally, Jake and his friends came back. My heart sank as I realized it was Tyler who died during the canon shot, because Jake's sword was drenched in blood.

It was my plan to send Tyler to his death, does that mean I killed him?

They all laughed until there eyes landed onto the miniature pile of what used to be a mountain of supplies. Jake's head spun to the now awaking guard. Even from the distance we were, I could see the complete anger in his eyes.
"SON OF A BITCH!" he howled. The group was thrown into an argument. Whose fault was it, should they kill the guard, how did this happen. As they argued, I saw Jake's eye land on the pile. He saw the armed bomb.

Quain wiped his lips and detonated the bomb. The second before the bomb went off, Jake grabbed a tribute's arm and ran. An explosion rocked the earth.
None of us cheered or said, "Mission accomplished!"
No, we all waited for the debris to clear.

When the smoke cleared, I saw four dead tributes. I saw the dead guard who was closest to the bomb with his torso in one direction and his legs in the other. But, I saw Jake. He still was one piece, with a burned hand. He screamed. I saw in his good hand, was wrapped around a girl's arm. I never paid attention to who were his teammates, but I recognized the girl. Quain did to, because he nearly jumped.

Still alive and breathing was the District Seven girl, Katie. Both Katie and Jake's eyes found us, and there was nothing but murder in those eyes.

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