Trains and Promises

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My blood boils in hatred when I hear that name. The famous Finnick Odair takes the podium. He smiles and winks at the camera. The woman that reaped my name gives an awed sigh. I once respected Finnick Odair, but that was before he went through the Hunger Games.

After the Games, he was absolutely in love with the Capitol, despite the fact that they were the ones that sentenced him to die. I had even heard rumors of what he did for women in the Capitol...

I am so lost in thought, I again realize that I missed another speech I am supposed to be hearing. "...So I'll do the best I can! Make sure one of these tributes become the next victor, so I can retire early from being a mentor." The Reaper laughs, and so do a few of the camera men that work for the Capitol. Other than them, the rest of the crowd just seems to nod.

One of these tributes become the next victor... The thought is ridiculous, I almost burst out laughing, right there. But I manage to keep a straight face. I will most certainly not win. Maybe the boy to my left has a chance, but not me. The men have an advantage in District Four. They've done fishing, set traps, heavy work which gives them excellent body build. But as for me, the only thing I can do that's useful is swim.

The female Reaper takes her place back at the podium, slightly mesmerized by whatever Finnick's speech was. "And- and now for the volunteers! Now's your chance boys and girls! Who wants to get the chance to be a victor?"

A few people in the crowd look as though they were considering. It isn't a surprise, becoming a victor gets you out of poverty forever. And District Four is a Career district, meaning it's a commonly winning district. But there's a high chance you will also die.

I look among the crowd. The Reaper looks around too. "No? This is your chance to shine, dears!" But not one hand raises. As I can hear my mother weep, I realize that my own district has sentenced me to the slaughter.


Peacekeepers take me to the Justice Building, where I will await my love ones to say goodbye. Meaning just my mom. I have no siblings, and my father died awhile ago. I feel like bursting out in tears. I refuse to let them escape. I will be seen as weak. Annie Cresta: the girl that cried the first day. My mother surges through the oak doors, and hugs me. At that point I can't help it, I start to cry. Her hand brushes my red hair, and for a moment, the only thing in the whole world is her goodbye.

"Annie!" she sobs. "Promise me! Promise that you will win!" Realization hits me like a riptide. If I die, there will be nothing left for her. No other children, no husband. She will be alone. "I- I promise, mom." A peacekeeper enters. "Time's up. Let's go Mrs. Cresta." My mother gives me a tight squeeze. When she exits the room, I realize I made a huge mistake. I cried.

I rush to the bathroom. I turn to the mirror. My face is blotchy and red. I stare in horror. This will make sure no one sponsors me! I wash my face with the cold water. It's no use. It's still obvious. I try everything. It's only been five minutes, and I'm already failing my mother's wish! My attempts are futile, and I give up on trying to make myself look like I wasn't crying. Instead, I try to work my face into an expression, that shows I am no longer sad. The Capitol's cameras will see me up close. I have to make it good.

Peacekeepers escort me out of the room. We walk towards the exit of the Justice Building, and I see that I was right. Dozens of camera men are shoving each other, trying to see my face. I managed to make myself show that I was not sad, but I wasn't bored either.

A car stands waiting for me to take me to the train stop. From there, I will be taken to the Capitol.

I wait by the exit for the boy tribute. I really should learn his name. Peacekeepers escort him out of the Justice Building. I crane my head over all the camera men. I finally see his brown short hair, and green eyes. His face was not anywhere near to mine. He looks as if he hadn't even cried, and seemed bored. The female Reaper approaches us by the car.

"Well you two look marvelous! In case you haven't caught my name during the Reaping, I'm Cassandra Lutz!" She pauses as if she was waiting for us to gasp. Wow! Cassandra Lutz! I'm the luckiest tribute around! "And I'll be escorting you beauties to every event before the Games!"

I turn to the boy tribute, and say my first words to him. "We're doomed." He lets out a small laugh, and Cassandra frowns. She mutters something about wanting to be escorting District Two kids next year.

We're driven to the train station. No one in the car speaks. This seems to bother Cassandra, so she tries to start a conversation. "So Manter, are you excited about the Games?" Manter I think. That's what the boy's name is. Manter just shrugs. Cassandra lets out an audible sigh, disappointed she couldn't start a conversation.

We arrive at the train station; more cameras are there. As I enter the train, I see a beautiful scenery. Leather couches await me, with the softest of blankets. Food sits on tables, waiting to be eaten. Finnick enters the train. He sits on the couch I was going to lay on.

Finnick seems to be just one year older than me. Manter looks like he is a year younger than me. I sit on the couch opposite of Finnick. Manter takes a seat closer to Finnick. Finnick turns on the TV and just watches for thirty minutes while the train takes off. Isn't he supposed to be giving us advice? I think to myself.

Finally, Manter speaks what's on my mind. "So?"

Finnick turns to him, "So what?"

"Aren't you supposed to start teaching us immediately?"

Finnick shrugs, "I don't really feel like it today." I frown.

"Then you must be a really shitty mentor."

He laughs. "Seems like you have some fire. You're Annie, right?"

"Yeah, if you were paying attention to anything other than yourself during the reaping, you would already know that" I say trying not to growl.

Finnick doesn't seem to be bothered by any of my insults. "No, I didn't know you from the Reaping, I recognized you from around District Four. You live around my old house."

This makes me pause. He remembers me? I was just a face that passed by his house. Years ago. Of course he doesn't live there anymore, all victors move to the Victor's Village. Victories are common in District Four, and there are only about nine to twelve houses. Some poor guy had to be kicked out of his house, just so Finnick could get an upgrade. But then again, that poor guy probably killed a few people.

"Look", Finnick begins, interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm not that bad of a mentor. You should see District Twelve's mentor."

Manter sits up, "Why?"

"Because he's a friend of mine, and every year he falls over drunk. Be glad I haven't hit any drinks yet."

"Yet." I point out.

Finnick laughs again. "Okay, you've got something sponsors will like. We're already off to a good start."

I shift uncomfortably. "Back talking won't exactly help me survive the Games".

Finnick smiles, "We'll see. Make sure you get sleep. Tomorrow, your stylists will try and make you look nice. Oh, but the back talking won't help the stylists, so keep that to a minimum."

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