The Library

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After several minutes of lying down and taking deep breaths, Sparks, Metallia, and I all stood up to look at our surroundings. The floor was checkered and the ceiling was white. The bookshelves contained very few books. A dusty chandelier hung from the ceiling, trying to decide if it should collapse or not.
Metallia stood up, "We should look for Nathan and Quain. They should be in here somewhere."
Sparks and I nodded in agreement.
We set out to look for the two. Metallia began checking out the children's reading section for them, Sparks checked the men's restroom, and I had to check the women's. The result was Sparks finding both Nathan and Quain hiding under a pile of clean toilet paper. Nathan gave a startled yelp when he was found, but soon was embarrassed for making such a sound.

Soon it was time to show what we found. It was as if it were Christmas and we were exchanging gifts. I opened the suitcase that I grabbed and found a collection of throwing knives. Metallia threw her sword into the collection of goodies. The sleeping bag I snatched was also in the center. Finally, it was Sparks turn to share, and boy did he have things to share. Sparks had been running from Jake because he carried a backpack on his back, armor around his body, and a duffel bag in his hand.
"Open it!" said Quain eagerly.
Inside the backpack was a lighter, iodine, a bottle of water, and beef jerky. In the duffle bag were-
"Woah. Are they seriously giving these to us?" said a shocked Nathan.

Inside the bag were explosives. Not high-tech explosives, but a stick of dynamite still does a lot of damage. And they did not only have one stick... there had to be at least fifty! Metallia moved the lighter away from the dynamite. "Let's not waste these on only one person. If we're going to use these, we're going to use them to our greatest advantage."

Everyone seemed to agree on that.
"We're still going to need to hunt food. Yes, I know this is a city landscape, but there are bound to be animals somewhere. Annie, it's best that the knives you found are use for that," said Nathan.

Everyone agreed to that too, but no one wanted to exit the library right away. I couldn't help it, I kept sneaking glances at Quain. His words at the interview stuck on to me like barnacles on a boat. He seemed like the boy I had known the entire time, like nothing had changed. No one else seemed uncomfortable around Quain. Did his words not bother them? Or were they already over it because they knew it was true?

I climbed one of the bookshelves to look out of a high window of the library. "What do you see?" asked Quain.

What don't I see? I saw a Cornucopia, littered with dead bodies. I saw Jake throw the last of the dead bodies into a pile. I saw him surrounded by his cronies. I saw the hovercraft come down, stretch an arm and grab the pile of dead children. I saw their lifeless eyes stare at me from a mile away. I saw the group of Jake's friends giggle as the claw dropped a body, then return to pick it back up.

"Annie? What's going on? Is the Cornucopia raided out completely?"

I blinked. I was back in the library. I had to breathe to keep myself from falling off the bookshelf. Metallia was the one that asked me the question. I craned my neck to look at the Cornucopia. Jake and his friends took many of the items, but there was still a large pile of things in the Cornucopia. Which meant one thing.

"Good news, bad news, and depending on how you view it, good or bad news," I began.
"Good news: There are still plenty of supplies inside the Cornucopia."

Sparks stood up immediately, "What are we waiting for? Lets go!"

I jumped off the bookcase easily, "Woah, there. Let me get to the bad news. Jake and his friends are guarding the entire pile. It's obviously a trap."

That seemed to dampen everyone's spirits.

"And good or bad news: About seven people are dead. And by the looks of it, Jake's team killed all seven of them."

Nathan looked astounded, "How could that possibly be good news?"

Quain spoke before I could, "Less people to kill."

I stared at him. "Yes, if that's how you look at it, there are now less enemies.

Metallia shook her head, "Let's not be stupid or greedy. Let's not raid that Cornucopia."

Equal agreement. "Where do we go tomorrow? We can't stay in here the entire Games," asked Nathan. I hesitated.

"What about the water dam? There's a large source of water there. And no doubt, that's where fish will be," I suggested.

"You're from District Four, Annie. Can you fish without a hook?" asked Metallia.

I nodded, "As long as I have something long a sharp, I can fish with it."

Sparks shrugged, "Then it's settled. Our journey tomorrow is towards the big dam." Everyone laughed.

Tonight was the first night. Everyone took a separate part of the library to sleep in. Everyone agreed that since I found the sleeping bag, I deserved it. Sparks came in with a grin, "But if you die before me, I call dibs."

That didn't make me feel better.

As I tried to find the best place to sleep, Metallia stood guard at the door. My head swelled with thoughts. Where was Manter right now? Was he also getting ready to sleep? Or was he already dead? I didn't hear the cannon sound anytime after the bloodbath, but who knows? The National Anthem plays outside the building, meaning that they're showing the dead right now, but the too high windows gives us the disability of no sight. I could walk on top of the bookshelves again, but that would take too much work. And too much work for something I don't want to see.

As I walk towards the farthest part of the library I bump into a shelf. I hear a yelp. I jump and take out one of my knives. Someone is behind the bookshelf.
Thanks for reading this chapter! I'm so sorry that I didn't update until a month later! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I'll try to work on the next one soon. Please excuse any typos. Ta-ta for now!

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