Hunger Game Over

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This chapter is longer than the others. There are maybe only two chapters left at the most after this.
I hear footsteps and jump up immediately. I must've been asleep for maybe ten hours. Quain hears it too, and is immediately on his feet.

"Split up," he says. I nod, instantly we are off in different directions. I try to run as quietly as possible, but it's not easy when the thought of "death by sword or knife" is looming around in your head. If I slow down, I'll be caught, but if I run too loudly and clumsily, they'll know where I am immediately. It was even harder to be stealthy and calm, because the last time I ate was two days ago, and all I had eaten was beef jerky and water. I was exhausted.

The tunnels helped. It was practically a maze, and I almost got lost a couple of times. I had to find the exit... I couldn't stay down there forever.

I came to a fork in the road, um, or path. I hesitated and chose left; I heard if you ever get stuck in a maze, always take left turns. Unfortunately, I made the wrong choice.

My path lead to where the giant water pumps were. There was no railing to stop me from falling off of the edge, and I didn't want to know what the bottom looked like. No later than ten seconds I crashed into my first enemy: Katie. The bag of bombs slung over her shoulder crashed to the floor.

"You!" she shrieked.
I made a strange whimper in reply.

She held a knife in her right hand, but before she could use it, I snatched up the bag.

Where is it?! Where-? There!

I held a prepared detonator in my hand.
"Stab me and I'll pull the trigger! I swear!" I threatened in a scared state.

She narrowed her eyes, "So? The bomb to that detonator could be anywhere. What harm does it do to me?"

"The bomb to this detonator is on the dam wall, if I pull the trigger I drown us all! Trust me, I put it there myself!"

"You wouldn't dare!"
"Try me."

She gritted her teeth, "Where's Quain?"

"I don't know."
"Do you know anything?"

I opened my mouth but closed it again. I had no reply. Katie then took my hesitation for a weakness.

She lunged at me with her knife. I dropped the detonator in surprise. I jumped to the side, but I wasn't quick enough. The knife lodged itself into my left thigh. I screamed and kicked her with my left leg. Katie fell over and rolled off the edge of the ground towards the water pumps. She clung to the edge with one hand while the rest of her body hung over the abyss.

I picked up the bag of bombs and the detonator again. I didn't try pulling the knife out of my leg, I knew it would only bleed faster. It still was probably the most painful thing I had ever felt in my life.

Katie still clung to the edge. She made efforts to try and climb back up, but I could tell it was only making her hand slip. She would fall to her death in no time. Should I help her-?

I knew what Finnick would probably suggest: No!

However, I wasn't going to agree with that. I remembered how Nathan had fallen to his death and I couldn't let it happen to anyone. Not again.

I grasped her arm with one hand and pulled her over the edge. She rose up shaking on her hands and feet.

She looked at me in disbelief, "Why did you-?"

I punched her right in the jaw, and she passed out cold. Sure I saved her life, but I wasn't going to let her run me down and kill me. I limped back into the tunnels and tried to find the elevator.

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