Till Death Do us Part

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Song: Everything's Alright


I wake up on a soft bed. I'm no longer swimming, but my muscles are sore after doing so for such a long time. An IV is attached to my arm. I'm surrounded by machines. I hear talking in the room next to me. A strange, melodic beep comes from one of the machines. It sounds familiar, like... the bombs that were used on the dam.

My throat closes up and suddenly I can't breathe. The walls seem to crash down in the room around me, and water cascades in. I start screaming as the beeping grows faster and louder. The door bursts open and two people rush in. One person grabs me tightly, while the other rushes towards the machines.

"Annie, Annie! It's okay, you're safe now," the person hugging me says in a calming voice.

All of a sudden, the water in the room disappears and the beeping from the machines slows down to a dull heartbeat.

I recognize who the voice belongs to.


He nods his head and strokes his hand against my back.

"I'm going to be in the room right next door, okay? So don't worry, I'm just going to talk to the doctor here," he gestures to the man fixing the machines.

The beeping still unnerves me, so I place my hands on my ears. I don't want to be alone here. I shake my head.

He gives a sympathetic look, "I'll leave the door open, you'll be safe," he says as he squeezes my hand tight and leaves. I shove the pillow over my ears to stop from hearing the beeping, but I can still hear it. I can also hear what Finnick and the doctor are saying.

"What the hell happened to her? You can help her, right?" demands Finnick.

"She's suffering from post traumatic stress disorder," answers the doctor.

"Okay, but... she'll be fine, right?"

I look at the doorway. The doctor shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, there's no real way to cure PTSD. We can offer her medication, but it won't end the disorder, just suppress it."

"To hell with that! You're a doctor aren't you? One of the best in the Capitol! You're job is to help the victors after the Games! So do your job!"


"Mister Odair, I'm sorry. After experiencing an event like that, she'll never be the same. She did technically kill all of the tributes left in the arena."

What did he just say?

Finnick grabs the doctor's collar angrily, "SHUT UP! It wasn't her fault and you know it!"

The doctor raises his arms in surrender, "I did not say she purposefully did it. However, what she did back there during the Games, wiping out all of the tributes so suddenly like that... it's never been done before."

Finnick releases the man, "Fine. Just... give us the medicine."

The doctor nods and exits.

Finnick enters back into the room.
"Can you speak?"

I'd like to. I want to say, "Yes I can," but I can't even open my mouth. It feels like it's sewed shut, even though I was screaming a few minutes ago.

He takes my silence as a no.
"Do you know what's going on, and what's happened?"

I shake my head.

He sits on the bed and prepares to explain.

"Annie, you've won the Hunger Games. You're this year's victor."

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