The Reaper Reaps

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"Annie Cresta". At those two words, my entire world collapses. How could this be happening? I think to myself. My legs tremble as I walk up to the wooden stage, from which they called my name. My mother looks at me from the sea of parents. She is fearful.

If someone had told me a month ago, that I was going to be reaped, I would have thought they were joking. Put the thought out of my head. Give a nervous laugh. But now as I walk toward the stage, laughing seems like an alien word.

Hundreds of eyes stare at me, knowing I won't come back to them alive. What should I do? Should I run? Where would I go? I look at the calm blue ocean, opposite of District Four's Justice Building. Oh how I long to be there. To dip my legs into the cool, soothing ocean. I remember being so small, hearing about other districts in school.

"So the Districts like Ten, Eleven, and Twelve don't have ocean?" I gasped.

The teacher sighed. "No Annie, they don't. Those districts are too north, or near the center-"

"But where do they go to be free? Where do the people go?"


"Come on now! Don't keep your fans waiting, my dear!" the woman that called out my name reaches down to help me onto the stage. Reapers. That's what I called them when I was small. The people that would take our names on the papers from the glass ball. They were the Grim Reaper himself, taking the souls of young children.

I walk onto the stage, and I am too deep into thought to notice that she already called out the male tribute's name. A boy walks up onto the stage. I didn't hear his name. He avoids my gaze, not wanting any friendships to be made. He is the boy that will either kill me, or be killed by me. Friendships are unwise to be made in the Games. Maybe alliances.

The Mayor is speaking at the podium, giving a speech. This means the reaping is almost over. "...And now!" he concludes "A word from the mentor! Finnick Odair!"



Hope you enjoyed! The next part will come out soon!

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