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As I sat in the elevator, I couldn't believe what I had just done. My body spoke for itself, and I longed to feel the touch of water envelope myself. I shook my head. If anyone could hear my thoughts, they would think I was crazy.

The elevator finally dinged and released me into the fourth floor. I saw Manter sitting on the couch, watching TV. Finnick was next to him, deep in conversation. Cassandra was ignoring both of them while she put on her makeup. Carol was reading a fashion magazine.

The sound of water droplets hitting the floor from my hair seemed to wake everyone up. Carol raised her eyebrow, "Dear God, what happened to you?"

My face turned a bit red, "I uh, finished showing the Gamemakers my talent."
Finnick stood up, "Annie, you didn't do anything stupid, right?"
"Well... I can't really tell you what I did. Yes it was stupid, but I think I did good," I answered walking back to my room. I stripped my clothes and took a shower.

When I dried off and redressed, everyone was eating at the dinner table. I couldn't help but notice that Finnick was smiling. "What is it? Why are you smiling?" I asked.
"I think I figured out what you showed them. I guess you've really proven that you're a mermaid," he answered drawing his gaze back to his meal.

I wasn't sure why, but for some reason, I felt like his smile was... mocking me. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, slightly daring him.

"Nothing, it's just... well you're screwed if you're going to be in a desert, right? Or what if you end up in a snowy forest? Or a volcano? You didn't really have this planned out did you? I thought you were lying when you said you were prepared..."

My cheeks grew redder, "Well hey-! It worked! They seemed impressed. Besides, I didn't have any other talents! If I even touch a sword or bow station, I'll automatically get a One!"

I could tell that Finnick was starting to grow a little irritated. "Try and start taking this a little more seriously-"

"I AM!" I shouted. For a moment, my heart grew still. This was... it felt like... the first time I ever shouted at anyone, and yet I found my mouth continuing to move.
"Finnick- I'm trying as hard as I can! But no matter how hard I try, it won't change the fact that I'm going to die!" I felt my body tremble.
"So don't you dare talk as if I'm slacking around! I'm trying as hard as I can! And you're not the judge of what I can or can't do! I'm good at swimming, that's what I did! That should be it!" I finished, and turned my back on everyone, as I felt tears slide down my cheeks.

"Annie!" I hear Finnick call out.

I ignored him.

I entered my room and slammed the door. I slid down the wall and burst into quiet sobs. It was like that when I was at home.

I would always cry about something. Executions, disappearances, forced labor. But I never really cried in public, I would be too embarrassed to. So I would just bite my tongue to scold myself to hold the tears for when I would cry in my room. And when I cried in my room, I knew my father and mother were there, so I would cry as quietly as possible, so they wouldn't have to worry about me.

I cried for about thirty minutes in the Capitol room, and then just sniffled and let small tears continue to escape. About an hour later, there was a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" said a very sober Finnick.

I jumped up and checked the room's mirror to see if it still looked as if I had a red face. I did. He would know that I was crying. For a moment, I considered telling him to go away, but I had already been rude enough earlier.

"Yes," I answered.

Finnick walked in and closed the door behind him. "They finished giving the numbers to the tributes," he said.

I stayed quiet.

"You got a seven," he said.

I wasn't sure how to feel about that. Happy? Relieved? Or disappointed that I could've done better? All I found myself doing was nodding my head.

Finnick sat on the bed next to me. "Annie, I'm sorry for shouting earlier. I know you're doing best as you can."

"Why are you so protective?"
"What?" Finnick asked bewildered.

"It shouldn't matter to you whether I die or not. Maybe you'd be disappointed that I died, but... you'd get over it. I'm not the first tribute that you've had to take care of. And earlier Cassandra said that you aren't always like this. Why are you-"

I found myself unable to no longer speak as a pair of lips touched mine. A hand smoothed down my shoulder. I looked surprised at Finnick as he kissed me. But... it felt nice. But it was also wrong.

I jumped back.

Finnick looked surprised at what he had done. "Sorry," he mumbled. I swallowed down my shock.

"No... I'm-I'm sorry. I should- I need to use the restroom," I said running to the bathroom.

Finnick called out, "Annie, wait!"

But like always, I ignored him. I ran into the restroom and shut the door, trying to process what just happened.

Hiya! Hope you enjoyed the story so far! (o^_^o) If you do like it, don't forget to vote for it! Also, try and leave a comment on anything you are uncomfortable with, I do enjoy feedback! I also added the YouTube video, because who could possibly hate THG soundtrack?

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